Florida Girls is right, Hands down Hempy Buckets. I love them! I use 2 gallon buckets with a hole drilled about 2" up for the reserve. I am currently trying sunshine mix in hempy bucket, and I must say I am really liking it.
word to big bird!
Superthirve is some good stuff, I use a touch in the beginning or during veggin if the plant gets stressed for some reason. With the hydroguard and fulvic acid that gives the plants a greatttt start to fend of deseases and other harmful elements resulting in a happy plant :)
Wow, where did the crowd come from? haha. :)
Thank's all!
The two outer lights are about 2 inches from the gals, the middle is about a about a inch lower. Might play around with the light's. All i know is things are alright except getting alittle bit warm, keeping around 80 in box. In the...
Hey downthedrain, looks good! How is that 150 watt hps working for you? Does it get real hot? Is it loud? I have had my eye's on the same kinda set up using 2 of them in a small cab.
Very Nice! I am doing a Hempy'ish bucket :) 2 gallon bucket, Hydroton 2 inches for the reserve, then sunshine mix. Nice hole about 2 inches up, drains the overflow just right. I have 2 rollin right now. I have also done perlite and vermiculite mix.
haha I think there is a market :) Man, I took a look at your scrog, very nice! I am starting a small AK grow, want to do a scrog. Very inspirational :)
Hello all! I am happy to start my first ever grow log. I will growing 2 Fem Afghan Kush and a unknown Indica(from the looks of it)... This is in a cabinet with CFL's for veggin, Probably going to go with a 250 hps for flowering. I don't have all the reflective stuff I need wally world was...