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  1. MrRoboto

    USA move closer to equality in wages

    Why exactly is the red line squiggly? It should be real straight and minimum wage was not $7 in 1950. I call bullshit.
  2. MrRoboto

    USA move closer to equality in wages

    IF you wish to pay employees more money by all means pay em. As far as telling me what to pay someone well keep that to yourself. I have not drug or beaten or chained a soul. They all come willingly and are free to leave at any time. I'm pretty sure it works like that every where correct? I...
  3. MrRoboto

    USA move closer to equality in wages

    Yes we all want a trophy for participating. It makes us feel good inside
  4. MrRoboto

    New hobby for old head.

    I pulled a big male about 3 weeks back and replaced him with a healthy youngster. This spot is just killer because the little guy is now bigger than the one i pulled. And I think it's going to be male as well. I should know for sure on my next visit. If so I'm thinking of trying to transplant a...
  5. MrRoboto

    Is this normal ? *pics*

    Maybe only 2 months old? Is it a little shady where they sit outside?
  6. MrRoboto

    Can anyone passionately and intelligently explain what Southern pride in relation to the Rebel flag

    Allowing them to fly the flag is what makes this country great. We don't have to agree with each other. Just leave each other the hell alone. Slavery is gone. There is a black president. There is still more catching up to do but we have come a long way. Sounds like you are a hater on...
  7. MrRoboto

    Can anyone passionately and intelligently explain what Southern pride in relation to the Rebel flag

    The rebel flag is a non issue. Just like transgender restrooms is not an issue. Fly your flag if you want. Piss where you feel like it. Don't cry when you get an ass whoopin. The shit stirrers are the real problem.
  8. MrRoboto

    New hobby for old head.

    Thanks for the link. Bought it!
  9. MrRoboto

    New hobby for old head.

    The bugs are munching here and there. I didn't have the neem oil spray with me. It's not bad. I'll be sure and have it next visit. BT? I've read here and there about it. Is there a brand name I can look for? My roses are getting nailed pretty hard right now by bud worms. I've seen the Bayer...
  10. MrRoboto

    New hobby for old head.

    Can you spot? Yellowish new growth an issue? Waist high. I removed the cages on these 2. And left the cage on this bush.
  11. MrRoboto

    best time to plant beans in northern arkansas?

    Sounds about right. Easter is usually a safe bet for vegetable gardeners in the South.
  12. MrRoboto

    I'm not racist because

    Fact- people are crossing the border illegally to come to this country to work BELOW our minimum wage to create a better life. Not hating on them. I respect hard work. Just putting poverty in perspective. Real poverty is damn near starvation in my mind. None of us wants someone to starve so...
  13. MrRoboto

    How do you choose your grow spot?

    308 Negra Arroyo Lane
  14. MrRoboto

    Building Clientele for weed at uni?

    How bout this one, be on time lol. Never met a weed dealer with any sense of time. "See ya in 10 minutes" ha!
  15. MrRoboto

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    Can't wait to see what happens next. Good vibes your way. Hella interesting to keep up with your grow.
  16. MrRoboto

    New hobby for old head.

    Did some tending yesterday and found this guy gaurding a patch. I found another helper. I pulled the big male and replaced him with a young seedling. I dug another hole in a good east-west opening. All plants in the ground now. One seedling died of drowning. Been a wet spring here. May replace...
  17. MrRoboto

    Rocky soil? Read this

    Burn one dude
  18. MrRoboto

    Rocky soil? Read this

    What are you so pissed off about? I have offered sound advice in a kind way. MjMama told you a recipe. Fox farms, manure, compost, miracle grow, it all works for somebody somewhere. Make a decision for yourself and your environment and your research. There's plenty of info out there. Get to it...
  19. MrRoboto

    Rocky soil? Read this

    Okay. Did I say drop in random dirt and walk away? No. I said be careful and don't burn your crop with love. There's a lil diddy goes something like this..."hold on loosely"... Just enough is just right.
  20. MrRoboto

    Rocky soil? Read this

    Keep it simple. Water and sun, most important. Ferts are just extra. That will take research and decisions on what you want to try. Every spot I ammended has been dug around by the curious crittters for the first couple weeks and I only used cheap granular ferts like 10-10-10. The next post is...