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  1. lifesgood

    What are Your Thoughts about Hydroxide H2O2?

    When it comes to the application of H2O2 ive heard u mix it only to ur water and u wait 15-20 min for it to kick in...... so say u make a large mix of h2o2 water in a rez do u have to use that portion of h2o2 water during that days feeding??? or can u save that h2o2 water for say 3-4 feedings?
  2. lifesgood

    I have a feeling there is some theft going on, anyway i could mark the buds then chek

    I have a feeling there is some theft going on. I go to the place to do work, trim then i collect and sell the stuff... however things havnet been adding up based on the amount of bud we fill in the bins so i would like to confirm or nullyfy my suspicions.... I am thinking of marking say...
  3. lifesgood

    When setting 2 portable in room which way is it most efficeint to set them up?

    what heat pockets? does moving air kill these heat pockets?
  4. lifesgood

    When setting 2 portable in room which way is it most efficeint to set them up?

    3 is nuthing its just get a freind going :)... dude do me a favour and get urself at leat 1 1000watt :)
  5. lifesgood

    When setting 2 portable in room which way is it most efficeint to set them up?

    Through the chimney... im going ot make a thread of the grow u can chekc it out if u like.
  6. lifesgood

    So does lollipopping really lead to a bigger harvest?

    I agree, try doing ur lollipoping before u flip into bloom ... :D
  7. lifesgood

    So does lollipopping really lead to a bigger harvest?

    LOL yea i rmeber we chatted about lst.... try a comparison a fe girls with pruning in bloom and a few without... would be intresting to see if 1 is better then the other... who know maybe i shoud be doing that 2...
  8. lifesgood

    So does lollipopping really lead to a bigger harvest?

    I personallyu do all my pruning and lolipoping all in veg, i dont want to stress my plants at all when thy are in bloom and justg let them focus on bud produciotns.... but thats just me :D:D:D + when u do ur lolipopping in veg u can make babies off those cutting where as if u do it in bloom...
  9. lifesgood

    So does lollipopping really lead to a bigger harvest?

    U explantined it well, where id like to add is that i do belive u can increase yeilds through lollipopping by having more plants in an area.... so say u can fit 15 non lollipopp bushy plants under a light u can probably fit 30 + lollipop plants under the same light as they take up less space...
  10. lifesgood

    How do I poly up&insulate a window without the insulation buckling on the inside REP+

    Great post REP + i like the pvc idea... after going thtrough the tread im eaither goin got use the blanket or this styrofoam sheets against the first layer of poly taped down... cheers thanks for the info guys :) ill update u on my groww thread about the succes of this wall :D:D::D
  11. lifesgood

    How do I poly up&insulate a window without the insulation buckling on the inside REP+

    no its just the fuzzy stuff, i tried stpaling it before not only did the staple not go through, but i didnt want to be peircing the poly and there is a window where i could nto staple it to
  12. lifesgood

    What are Your Thoughts about Hydroxide H2O2?

    I dont know if its good to use with nutes , i think its better to use it just with water.. can anyone second that?
  13. lifesgood

    How do I poly up&insulate a window without the insulation buckling on the inside REP+

    LOL!! u think that will hold up hanging insulation... i used tuctape but it fell off as the insulaiton was like particles on the tape.
  14. lifesgood

    What are Your Thoughts about Hydroxide H2O2?

    K so i guess the 35% just has to be dilluted more to be used at a healthy proportion for the plants... When it comes to the application of it ive heard u mix it only to ur water and u wait 15-20 min for it to kick in...... so say u make a large mix of h2o2 water in a rez do u have to use that...
  15. lifesgood

    Buddy kills lights for 36 hours in bloom and changes the bloom hours & drops co2...??

    Yea i feel u man, this guys studity is ruingin my experience of growing these sexy girls.... 2 more months and im out.... i just feel bad for those plants..... AS a buddy of mine said" Man, this guy can really fuck up some good plants"
  16. lifesgood

    What are Your Thoughts about Hydroxide H2O2?

    LOL!!! so i guess organic growers never use H2o2 its more for chem growers...
  17. lifesgood

    When setting 2 portable in room which way is it most efficeint to set them up?

    No no i would never do that there going to be oscilating more towards the lights above the plants But when it comes to moving air around the room and the 2 ac's working in harmony isnt there ways to set them up so achieve both mean>?>>>>
  18. lifesgood

    When setting 2 portable in room which way is it most efficeint to set them up?

    When setting up 2 portable Airconditioners in say a 10 x10 room which way is the most economical and effecitent for them to run: shoudl they be next to one another pointing in the same direction apart from eacthoerh and pointing in the same direction acoss from eachother pointing towards...