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  1. ChronicObsession

    Watch Out For Geocachers

    DO you know if the Illuminati let Mason out of prison yet? I say free mason as well
  2. ChronicObsession

    Likely to be a problem with lamps HPS 2 x 150w(too much light for young plants).HELP?

    SPank the dog crapp out of him Reagan! Call Meatroast up here and get 'em banned! Just kidding. Anyway, pretty funny to spend 300 watts on some plants that barely have their 2nd set of leaves. What's up with your soil? DId you fertilze that soil already man? Better not and wait a while
  3. ChronicObsession

    Is my plant a MALE ??? WITH PICS

    Keep growing it and try not to be scared. You will have to sit back and wait until the balls drop
  4. ChronicObsession

    Why does my weed smoke like this, vid attached

    Necroposting is almost as fun as starting a new thread of "Wahhh, I don't believe in God anymore Wahhh"
  5. ChronicObsession

    Is there a point to autoflowers, or are they just for people who can't set a timer?

    I like 12/12 from seed. I think Autoflowers aren't that great, just my opinion.
  6. ChronicObsession

    Anyone ever see a kannastor bend teeth?

    LOL a bent tooth. I guess they make grinders in china now for just a few dollars and sell them for 60. sorry for your loss bro, I'd bitch up a storm to the admin of the site that sold you that b.s. grinder
  7. ChronicObsession

    Help legalize Marijuana

    He's growing some support for the plant. Although this way to legalize really won't work. Marijuana is illegal for industrial and capitalistic reasons. It's not like a useless drug such as crack cocaine, marijuana has legitimate uses in the world that would damage and make many evil...
  8. ChronicObsession

    Something HORRIBLE has happened..

    Yup, luck you they weren't flowering whenthis happened. They;ll be fine
  9. ChronicObsession

    Watch Out For Geocachers

    I wouldn't mind finding a tupperwear full of stank perfectly cured buds of sinsemilla
  10. ChronicObsession

    Do I Keep Smoking Blunts or Stop Smoking Blunts?

    I agree with monkeybones. I've been vaping for a few months now with a proper device and it rocks. The only blunts I make now are bowel movements. Dark brown isn't good for the lungs. I haven't coughed in ages, and no morning phlegm like smoking causes.
  11. ChronicObsession

    I like smoking weed but

    I've just blown the whistle on you, disgusting homo pig. You give gays a bad name. Clean yourself up before coming back to the internet
  12. ChronicObsession

    I like smoking weed but

    Wow you are one sick fuck. Do you live in Prison?
  13. ChronicObsession

    okay new tled and need help with hieght

    thumbs up if you thought that finger in the left of the pic was really a sideboob shot the height is fine, closer the better. too bad most reflectors spread the light too wide in my opinion
  14. ChronicObsession

    I like smoking weed but

    First of all, I don't make virtual or real bromance, ever. So keep jackin'! But seriously, grow up and go to work. You may have a lot in common with Pedobear.
  15. ChronicObsession

    I like smoking weed but

    When I'm feeling really baked, I get a headrush while exhaling some potent vapor and it feels like freefalling next to a waterfall.
  16. ChronicObsession

    These Are Great

    This kind of work is worthy of promotion. I recommend you to be the new global Mod, just take it yourself :)
  17. ChronicObsession

    I like smoking weed but

    Well here's the thing about penises. The majority of the animal kingdom (place where atheists believe we evolved from) does NOT Masturbate. It is a mental disorder, it should never be tried at anytime. Doomed is the man that cannot stop stroking or beating his dick. It will soon bleed and...
  18. ChronicObsession

    Hey, how do i leave?

    Google knows everything about you, so does your ISP. Don't worry about rollitup, you can just send the meatroast a kind and loving letter about how you would like to be erased but I think that is just a waste of time. Once you are inside of the matrix, there is no escape
  19. ChronicObsession

    I like smoking weed but

    Just lay it inside of that hole in the menroom's stall and somebody will pour out a cup of zippofluid on your pecker the way you like it! I think loose vagina is what your looking for and, well this is a marijuana chatboard I'm not sure how many whores we have left since the Great Whore Fire of...