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  1. Huckster79

    Trumps vows to "totally destroy N. Korea" in U.N. speech

    I cant really say you are wrong... good very possible point
  2. Huckster79

    Feminised seeds vs regular seeds.

    Heres my crude thougts... as a grower you are like either a straight man or lesbian woman at a bar and you want some loving, would it not behoove you to take home someone you knew was a woman??? just sayin...
  3. Huckster79

    Trumps vows to "totally destroy N. Korea" in U.N. speech

    I get we have a reality tv star running the show here now... that doesnt make all of life and world affairs a reality tv show! This is life and death, and being handled by two narcissistic crazy men... caray and drazier and im not sure which is which...
  4. Huckster79

    Trumps vows to "totally destroy N. Korea" in U.N. speech

    And if China, Russia and or Iran jump in and help N Korea you think it would be a cakewalk? True strenghth is not projected by such bluster.... even if all out victory were assured quickly it does not justify such arrogance, blood will be spilled if we go to war. We get to calous to the fact...
  5. Huckster79

    Trumps vows to "totally destroy N. Korea" in U.N. speech

    Working the phones more, volunteering to drive people to the polls, knocked on more doors... i know i thought about taking a week off and work phones for her, decided to not... i will always feel guilty for that...
  6. Huckster79

    Rural America.

    Iv always wondered why conservatives don't flock to countries like Mexico or really even more extreme examples in 3rd world, it's everything they describe as bliss...
  7. Huckster79

    Bottom of 5 gal pot dries out slowly compared to top area

    Drill the piss out of it! This time small holes so medium doesn't pour out, next time if u want u cud paddle bit some big ol holes then line it w weed block fabric like u put under mulch to keep the medium in. Keeps everything nice and even and lots of oxygen. If you use coco u can skip that...
  8. Huckster79

    Trumps vows to "totally destroy N. Korea" in U.N. speech

    Sack clothes and ashes we should wear for putting him in power. Even those of us who opposed him obviously didn't do all of what we could have to stop him... This is embarrassing, and scary. I get Nkorea is scary deal and ignoring them may not be an eternal option but God it sure would be...
  9. Huckster79

    Rural America.

    Yea I hear it's a conservatives dream land! Militarized police, accused have no rights, little to no govt control of business, no environmental regulation, little social safety net, everything the conservative desires! Lol
  10. Huckster79

    12 Democratic Senators sign on to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Bill

    Absolutely! My point was lots of small things added up n came together... I think the Bern worked hard to get his followers over, ppl like me.. Hell I blame myself for backing out of the phone bank I was gunna work...
  11. Huckster79

    Rural America.

    The phenomenon you site is so well articulated. John Lennon "working class hero" sums it up still too.. Its a form of slavery. The historical slave in America was surrounded by a land controlled by whites in every aspect. They as African Americans were beaten down and entrapped by a social...
  12. Huckster79

    12 Democratic Senators sign on to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Bill

    I get it... I do. Well for moment we must simply resist his aweful agenda together. To move forward we for now must accept each other's imperfections until the Republic is in safer waters... we can't give up the good for the sake of the perfect... we cannot commit the sins the tea party did...
  13. Huckster79

    Rural America.

    Baldrick, iv wondered every word you have.... iv been born and raised in a pretty rural setting, still live in pretty rural setting... Thank God I opened my mind, but it leaves one pretty lonely... it's one thing to not be cultured, but to despise culture any different than your own, is...
  14. Huckster79

    12 Democratic Senators sign on to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Bill

    Those that are anti trump, we must lay down arms amongst ourselves folks. We can discuss this but it can't take our shared interest of stopping him away. I think Russia had some effect on it all I think third party voting had some effect on it all I think some of hillarys choices and style...
  15. Huckster79

    Trump's 'Make America Great Again' hats burned over Daca deal

    Btw if a dreamer got a job over you, its probably because they were a hard working intelligent individual who was likely a better candidate than your biggoted self. And i can say with certainty you are a bigot because if you saw their dreamer status as an excuse they got the job, that proves it...
  16. Huckster79

    Trump's 'Make America Great Again' hats burned over Daca deal

    I cannot fathom how anyone with half a heart could look a person in the eye who had been brought here at an average age of SIX and send them to a land they cant recall, even though the person probably can recall the Pledge of Allegience in english! Shame be upon us! And who does that benefit...
  17. Huckster79

    12 Democratic Senators sign on to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Bill

    I agree she could have done some things to make it a clear landslide, but when you are talking 90,000 votes had they gone different in different states we would not have a deranged pet of putin who likes to be peed on at the helm of the worlds greatest military... every vote counted against...
  18. Huckster79

    12 Democratic Senators sign on to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Bill

    Please Russia if you are listening: if the pee tapes are real and you have them call 1-800-wiki-leaks!!! We gotta see this shit.... I think thers a chance they are real and maybe even likely they arent, but idc... im sure uncle trump knew the birtherism crap was bullshit and didnt stop him...
  19. Huckster79

    12 Democratic Senators sign on to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Bill

    Against anyone else, besides cruz though too probably, i could have understood 3rd party vote, even if i disagreed with it... but against trump i cannot.... Hillary was only one with a chance to keep Oompa Loompa away from the nuke codes!!! I just dont get it, and im not trying to be an ass i...
  20. Huckster79

    VPD THREAD? Vapor Pressure Deficit information needed!!

    I was a nube like you, i wanted more of a goal than just finish w live plant and a nug... i did all sorts of shit my first grow and learned lots by diving in deep... my best advice is triangulate off all the diff advice you get to make your own style, take nothing to extreme, do ny change slow...