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  1. doggyd

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE Hey GUYS. I'm starting too see some more amber Trichs about 5%....Not where I would like it, but its a great thing to see amber Trichs. I went to water here today and noticed the buds are extremely heavy making my thick stems bend...have to keep an eye on that, don't want...
  2. doggyd

    First Grow - Tangerine Dream

    You would grow better denser BUDS with HPS....Should look into it...I know you working with t5 and that may be the reason buds are small and light! I use CFL during Veg and Switch to 250w HPS when flowering!
  3. doggyd

    Can ANYONE tell me if this thing is ready for harvest!!?!?!

    Thanks a Lot man! Plants are not harvested yet. Check out my LINK--->
  4. doggyd

    Can ANYONE tell me if this thing is ready for harvest!!?!?!

    Your Plant is not ready! Does that look close to this! This is day 60 WHITE WIDOW....This Is very Close to harvest! See the Difference!
  5. doggyd

    Low Stress Training (LST) Guide

    No I have Not harvested yet....Today is day 60 In flowering and White Widow not ready...Trichs are clear....Harvest date 9-11 weeks! Your buds look great.....Rep
  6. doggyd

    First Grow - Tangerine Dream

    What was your harvest period on this BUd. Does'nt look super ripe.....Maybe your lighting
  7. doggyd

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    Well I honestly Hope to make more that 182 grams dry. My last grow I grew 181 grams. So hopefully I beat that this grow because, I LST and grew a perfect plant this time around. Hopefully I hit that mark of 224 grams or more, LOL. Anything more than my last grow I would be happy.....Then again...
  8. doggyd

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    My 250 is making some 400w and 600w grows look tiny! Especially since this is only one plant!
  9. doggyd

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    Day 60 in flower- Day 129 from seed Hey Guys. Today is day 60 into flowering and she is still not ready. I placed my scope on these buds and there are still a lot of clear Trichs, starting to turn cloudy, with maybe 1-2 amber heads! This plant is not ready and I'm not harvesting her until...
  10. doggyd

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    Pics will Be posted tomorrow in the morning after her watering..........!!!!!!! Stop on by and take a look!
  11. doggyd

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    I am currently using Advanced Nutrients 3 part System, Grow Micro Bloom, supplements. Bud Candy, Big Bud, Carbo Load. Keeping everything at a steady 6.5 ph... She loves it.. Going to start bringing the nutes down starting this week...Harvest Day should not be too far away.
  12. doggyd

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    You ready.......I'm probably going to blow people minds when I post Dry Weight........My 250w is kicking ass.....Then again my girls are my babies, so they are spoiled!
  13. doggyd

    Low Stress Training (LST) Guide

    MY LST......GOING FOR 1/2 pound under 250w. LINK---> BLACK WIDOW (vegging under 2-150w CFL 6500k) WHITE WIDOW (flowering under 250w HPS)
  14. doggyd

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    Hey Guys. Just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow is DAY 60 of flowering and She is still not done. I used my scope last night and noticed 1 -2 amber heads but not on all bud sites. I'm going to give it another week and keep a close eye on these trichomes. Now my patience is running low...
  15. doggyd

    Can ANYONE tell me if this thing is ready for harvest!!?!?!

    Not ready!!!!!!!!!!!! At least another 3-4 weeks!
  16. doggyd

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    Hey Guys Check out the Black widow Soon To be Flowered!!!!!!! THIS PLANT STILL NEEDS TO BE TRIMMED AND I HAVE TOO PULL SOME CLONES BEFORE SHE FLOWERS! THIS PLANT HAS BEEN UNDER CFL, 2-150w 6500k bulbs for VEG.....Soon UNDER MY AWESOME 250w HPS.....
  17. doggyd

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    Plant is not ready! All trichomes are clear! [/B]
  18. doggyd

    humidity problems at lights off

    Turn all fans on at night......I have 4 fans running at all times 24 hours........Bring my humidity in my closet down at night...I had the same problem.....What I do, If its cold outside I open a window in my aprt. and leave me fans on, it drops your humidity in the air and adjust inside air to...
  19. doggyd

    First time using FOX FARM!!

    Nice grow man! Hey man I had a problem using fox farm nutrients and I switched to advanced nutrients. The grow is 100 times better using Advanced nutrients. Take your time with your LST there is no rush. Work slowly to postion her right where you want her. You actually don't even need that foam...
  20. doggyd

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    You the second or third guy that said that. Man honestly If you LST correctly and adjust all your main stems properly you won't have a mess of stems going everywhere. See while you LST you have to sit and think what is your next position for the plant. Its like playing chess, you have to think...