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  1. Rizzo00

    Companion planting

    Haha nice!
  2. Rizzo00

    Bird shit

    BB gun! Thats how I take care of my squirrel problem.
  3. Rizzo00

    Florida Growers Thread

    Whats good yall? My plants have been flowerimg now for a week or two. Anybody else started yet? I have lost a few to the elements here as well but still have a 7+ footer SBA and half a shark attack since I just lost half to a storm. Damn wind gets to gusting!
  4. Rizzo00

    What do you guys think about these two blue widow plants?

    Lets see some updated pics!
  5. Rizzo00

    Iranian Autoflower Improved

    Does doc greenthumb ship to the US?
  6. Rizzo00

    fuckin grasshoppers! pics

    I use Captain Jacks pre-mixed spray from hydro store. I had the same problem and it fixed it 100%. Oh and it is organic!
  7. Rizzo00

    Storm completely screwed me!

    Well thats a problem bcuz my operation is on the DL from well.... anyone i know haha! Especially my wife! I repotted one of them that only had 2 of the 4 main colas left. The other broke completely off about 4 inches from dirt. Just gotta suck it up and smoke another bowl!
  8. Rizzo00

    Storm completely screwed me!

    Im so mad! A storm came through my area last night and destroyed my Critical Kush and Shark Attack that were already 2 weeks into flower. Im left with one plant. There went my plans to relocate and not to mention 3 months of work. Uggggghhhhhh!!! This grown man wants to cry.
  9. Rizzo00

    Blue Mammoth Auto

    5 days in here. Haha only about an inch tall! Its only about 7 1/2 feet shorter than my sweet black angel! Haha photoperiod of course.
  10. Rizzo00

    Potting Soil Question

    I fill a 50 gallon pot with 4.5 cf of soil.
  11. Rizzo00

    Someone growing on my land??

    We can help each other out on this blog with advice but..... risking your posessions, property, family, fuck that!!! Yank those things up mate. Get rid of them ASAP or leave them a couple more days and hide out waiting for that guy jump out with one of your guns and scare the living shit out...
  12. Rizzo00

    Flowering While Root Bound?

    How is that possible? That throws the whole bigger roots = bigger fruits idea out the window!! What are you feeding them?
  13. Rizzo00

    Flowering While Root Bound?

    Holy crap!!! That is awesome. That looks like it is almost as tall as my SBA in a 50g. Not as bushy of course but... Damn thats cool looking.
  14. Rizzo00

    What in the hell is doing this to my plants????!

    I can tell u right now that a deer could hop that in its sleep!!! The wire needs to be closer actually almost touching the buckets that way no animals can reach them. Do u know what I mean. They wont be able to hop into the buckets. Well it would be harder for them to get them instead of hoping...
  15. Rizzo00

    Need help someone please!!!

    I second the lay off the high N. The last thing you want to occur is a lockout and they quit absorbing any nutes at all.
  16. Rizzo00

    What in the hell is doing this to my plants????!

    Damn! looks like you need some serious chicken wire mate! Something way bigger than a snail had your babes for breakfast! They might survive if you keep them from being served on the buffet line! Lol.... Sorry this isnt a laughing matter. Tighten up security mate.
  17. Rizzo00

    really droopy leaf

    Well im not sure what the area looks like where the plant is. do you think it will continue to get too much water? How long has it been in the ground? If its been in the ground a while I wouldnt try and transplant it. It should be fine once it gets sun. Good luck!
  18. Rizzo00

    canopy control

    Tie them down! LST them! I just had to do it!
  19. Rizzo00

    What in the hell is doing this to my plants????!

    Without seeing a pic it almost sounds like you might have a larger pest like a rabbit if you are losing it like that.