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  1. greenpower000

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    Didn't mean to offend.... its just hard to get some Decent smoke around here.... much respect.
  2. greenpower000

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    I hear ya !!!! Its hella expensive for what they call " dank " around here.... most everything is keifed before sold around here.... and the risk... ahhh @an be crazy at times. I live in a bible belt, where the local sherrifs tend to make specticals of people caught with a quarter O . Plus the...
  3. greenpower000

    New grow New cheap DIY setup

    Damn weed it out !
  4. greenpower000

    GreenPower000's (1st ever Grow) 12/12 CFL From Seed journal

    Sooooo.... Dan could have been a really nice smoke if I would have let it finish out:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall: Buuuuutttttt........ Dan has some growth coming back, it's small... but it's starting to sprout little leaves at the bottom. I clipped all the dry,nut burned and...
  5. greenpower000

    YieldMax -- Striving for Maximum Single-Plant Yield in a Micro Space.

    You don't need a lot of space to grow..... .If you look there are a lot of guys here that micro grow, LST, SCROG, SOG ... many diffrent types of growing styles to fit a plant into a small area while still tying to get the max yield while growing in a micro space. Welcome aboard !!!! Enjoy the...
  6. greenpower000

    GreenPower000's (1st ever Grow) 12/12 CFL From Seed journal

    Been sick as shit guys...... damn flu going around real bad in my area.... I took Wed off to take the wife to the doctor, left work early Thursday cause i was feeling soooo bad. Then woke up Friday morning and couldn't move i was soooo damn stiff and dizzy...... I lade in bed all day Friday...
  7. greenpower000

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    It's Gonna be alright ! Just stick in there LGP !
  8. greenpower000

    Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.

    Great update !!!! Everything is looking good. Those clones are looking pretty good. I think the one (yellow one) will pull threw... I saw a little root pokin out there! Keep up the good work bro !!!
  9. greenpower000

    Micro's second pc attempt. 182 watts. Arjan kush. Soil.lots of pics. Rep to who post

    Awesome harvest bro !!!!!!! Man... that looks like some nice smoke right there.
  10. greenpower000

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    That's one hell of a genetic make up.......... Damn i bet that is some really potent smoke!
  11. greenpower000

    Stones Journal #3: Jack Herer, Super Silver Haze, Strawberry Cough, Trainwreck

    Welcome back bud !!! I noticed you hadn't been posting here lately... figured things were hectic for ya (it happens to us all)... I love your grow space ! Stone's update video was awesome as hell tho !!! Keep up the great grow Stone !!!
  12. greenpower000

    Micro's second pc attempt. 182 watts. Arjan kush. Soil.lots of pics. Rep to who post

    I think the red or blue or some type of red / blue combo would be awesome !!! I might go out and get some food coloring myself, I have a bunch of seeds about to pop, I might do orange... mix a little yellow and red into it for effect..... (not trying to steal your idea) Just interested in it...
  13. greenpower000

    Micro's second pc attempt. 182 watts. Arjan kush. Soil.lots of pics. Rep to who post

    Nice !!!!! I can't wait till your harvest as well, I'm interested in how much dry weight you yield from her ! Lookin good man !!! I would + rep ya.. but gotta spread it around
  14. greenpower000

    YieldMax -- Striving for Maximum Single-Plant Yield in a Micro Space.

    Keep up the good work bro ! Everything is looking great ! Miss Rotty Stem is kicking ass !!!
  15. greenpower000

    blue himalaya grow under 2 150 hps

    A Little bit of both .... afraid of getting caught .. God forbid !!!! Then there is the caught in customs deal.... once it gets detected there... that's it.. no
  16. greenpower000

    GreenPower000's (1st ever Grow) 12/12 CFL From Seed journal

    Thanks man !!!! Yea, I have to save up some money and invest in some Panda Film! I was talking to the wife and was wondering how mirrors (just a stony would work out. It wouls be expensive ... but I can only imagine the massive glow coming from a mirror lined box. I want those new...
  17. greenpower000

    blue himalaya grow under 2 150 hps

    I'm leery about ordering seeds..... but i have a lot of bag seed to I figure I can LST and get a better yield than what im looking at right now.
  18. greenpower000

    Scrogging da pineapple.

    Awesome update !!! Everything is looking beautiful !!!!
  19. greenpower000

    GreenPower000's (1st ever Grow) 12/12 CFL From Seed journal

    Update. I broke out the Dremel and cut a hole in the shelf of the cab, so i can re route all of my electrical down to under the cab. Started some new seeds...... Already have a sprout... Looking forward to watching these beauties grow...
  20. greenpower000

    Stones Journal #3: Jack Herer, Super Silver Haze, Strawberry Cough, Trainwreck

    Welcome ! Happy building and growing !