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  1. calicatt79

    KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow

    LOL! I have a friend who was like "let me show you something" and he brought me out to his backyard where he has a very lanky sad little plant in a 10 gal pot with no holes in the bottom. I couldn't even pick it up it was like over 100 lbs of muddy nastiness and she looked so sad. So I ran home...
  2. calicatt79

    Theowl's nest

    Why thank's nice to be here :) I'm hoping to learn a thing or two from you all of you.
  3. calicatt79

    Friendly 12/12 from seed - Micro pot / Party cup - CFL competition / battle

    hey indoormania...yours looks GREAT compared to! But my pot is still prettier..HA ;) Waaaay slower start with 12/12 - or maybe it just seems like it????
  4. calicatt79

    Theowl's nest

    Mine is : Theowl'snest sorry cant link ATM. But everyone is welcome. Hey all....I just wanted to introduce myself and let ya know I'm subbing :) I'll chime in here and there if you guys don't mind a little oxytocin in the mix :o I promise I'm not overly sensitive ;) ;)
  5. calicatt79

    3 and a half weeks into flowering big problem

    that's why most of us are here. To help our fellow growers, grow the best bud they day at a time :) Your plants are so beautiful it's sad to see them go hermie. But some of the best ladybuds I've ever smoked were hermie. Good luck ;) Glad you got another one in the works....makes...
  6. calicatt79

    3 Word Story

    specialty meat department
  7. calicatt79

    3 and a half weeks into flowering big problem

    pluck them fuckers as long as you can stand it. My first grow I had 3 plants go hermie on me and I plucked, and plucked until I could pluck no more. Still got 5.4 zips of some killer chit with very few beans. Nanners SUCK!!!
  8. calicatt79

    Catt's FUN grow!! Lots of CFL's, a T-5 and a whole lotta love!

    A budcicle? I think that's what I'm gonna have. 12/12 from seed with no topping - if she makes it that long. Well....atleast you knew how to make a splint :) This IS like the 3rd or 4th one you've made right? Wait...aren't you like a Nurse or something? Do you make house calls cuz my...
  9. calicatt79

    Catt's Bubblelicious Grow ~ 500w of CFL and 10,000w of LOVE!!

    Glad your doing a indoor this fall....I have great memories of my first grow on here with all you guys and I hope we can pick up right where we left off :) Can't wait to see your cab once it's all doohickey'd's like "Pimp my Box" LOL! I don't plan on moving away from CFL's either...
  10. calicatt79

    Catt's Bubblelicious Grow ~ 500w of CFL and 10,000w of LOVE!!

    I checked her out and she's so :) My latest thread is just a fun little 12/12 with a hermie seed from my 1st grow. I was going crazy waiting for fall and had to grow something NOW! I did have 1 seed from my Bubblelicious hermie that I germed but it's been almost a week and she...
  11. calicatt79

    Friendly 12/12 from seed - Micro pot / Party cup - CFL competition / battle

    Update - 4 Days old and my cotyledon are yellowing. I could tell by the seed shell she had a tough time breaking through, so maybe that's why....but Shorty is a fighter ;) Seems really slow going, but we are only on day 4 here so I'm holding out hope. Calicatt79 - Plant #1 - ( Shorty 1...
  12. calicatt79

    Outdoor Auto's/ Mix

    You know I'm rooting for this gal ;) Great selection, it's gonna smell like HEAVEN in your neck of the woods :)
  13. calicatt79

    Friendly 12/12 from seed - Micro pot / Party cup - CFL competition / battle

    I love the jiffy peat pods :) Just wanted to say that.
  14. calicatt79

    Catt's FUN grow!! Lots of CFL's, a T-5 and a whole lotta love!

    LOL! You really do love your plants bumps :) I know the feeling all too well.
  15. calicatt79

    Catt's Bubblelicious Grow ~ 500w of CFL and 10,000w of LOVE!!

    Hey Tebin...I finished up this grow just in time for the summer heat so I hear ya. I wanted to put my portable AC unit in my closet but it was just too awkward and took up too much space. The Bubblelicious was the first time I ever ordered beans online and I can't wait to try something different...
  16. calicatt79

    My First Growbox w/cfls

    Hellz YEAH!!! Wooohoooo, this is gonna be pretty fabulous folks :)
  17. calicatt79


    You must be a HAPPY camper :) Really....your lighting choices are SICK! Your a pretty badass grower D. I'm so excited to be here to see you reap the rewards.
  18. calicatt79

    KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow

    a walking stick from a stalk would be totally awesome :)