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  1. M

    Mystery Spots: Please Help Identify!

    I have some Kali Mist seedlings — about 3 weeks old — in my DWC cloner, and they've started developing some markings that I've not been able to reliably cross-reference by looking at pictures of diseased leaves. Here's one plant, first a wide shot and two tight: Here's its neighbour...
  2. M

    DWC Build Proposals: Single- or Multiple- Container?

    Hey, Void, I was quietly hoping you'd chime in; I've read your tutorials and I know you're a staunch supporter of One-Plant-Per-Pot. Okay, so root binding sucks; but what if it could be avoided? It would seem to me that subdividing the tub's volume would encourage root segregation, which is why...
  3. M

    DWC Build Proposals: Single- or Multiple- Container?

    I'm too new to hydro to understand how this is significant, and I'd love to hear a more detailed explanation of why this might be detrimental. My sense, though, is that every method comes parceled with its own inherent challenges. Not having any hydro growing experience, I chose the method that...
  4. M

    DWC Build Proposals: Single- or Multiple- Container?

    It would seem to me that the more water one makes available to each plant the more each plant can drink before the reservoir would need topping-off.
  5. M

    DWC Build Proposals: Single- or Multiple- Container?

    Mineralz, my 'tote' is 130 liters in volume. With 6 plants that's 21.6 liters or about 5.7 gallons per plant, which seems quite adequate. If I go 5-plants then each plant gets 26 liters / 6.9 gallons.
  6. M

    DWC Build Proposals: Single- or Multiple- Container?

    Right, but are all your plants cut from the same mother, or are they different strains? I would imagine plants grown from sister clones would be reasonably uniform in terms of maintenance. I certainly wouldn't mix strains in a single container.
  7. M

    DWC Build Proposals: Single- or Multiple- Container?

    Well, I'm gonna have to try it, now— I just bought a 130L storage bin (it comes with a lid). Also got a spout that I can install through a side panel for draining. And a pump (Some no-namer from an aquarium store that can supposedly move 40 liters/hour).
  8. M

    DWC Build Proposals: Single- or Multiple- Container?

    Lost my post. *sigh* Ok, short version: Massah, I don't have the resources for RDWC this time 'round, but I'm definitely into it for a future project. Illegal Smile, If all my root masses are independent of one another then I don't see why I can't swap plants between sites and rotate each one...
  9. M

    DWC Build Proposals: Single- or Multiple- Container?

    Hello, everyone, Long-ish-time reader, first-time caller. I am on the verge of having to purchase parts for my first DWC grow. I plan on six plants in a 120x120x200cm grow tent. I know that there are proponents, on these forums, of the OP3-(One-Plant-Per-Pot)-method of Deep-Water-Culture...