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  1. BCBuddy420

    Does snipping lower fan leaves stress plant...

    all evidence from these "ghuru" growers like Jorge and Uncle Ben, etc. points towards keeping all leaves and branches intact for overall plant health but I'm still clipping fans that are going to shit at the bottom and I may trim up alot of the lower growth when I go into the room later tonight...
  2. BCBuddy420

    I Need Some Advice About A Girl, Destiny or God Kicking Me In The Teeth?

    lmao we are steering this guy for mass violence and thuglike behavior, good job everyone :) maybe just play it by ear and don't get too crazy dude.
  3. BCBuddy420

    first grow soiless mix with OG Kush

    Thanks for the info on Co2 systems. I dont have the cash or the knowledge to do anything major with the gas for now. I think I may try a cheap solution for now and see how things go. I may hang one of those bottle ( yeast, sugar) devices about the canopy as well as the excellofizz puck rig also...
  4. BCBuddy420

    When should i expect them to stop growingdo plants stop growing and/or grow the most?

    you should come join my first time flowering thread, alot of info tips. I am day 14 of flowering and mine have shot up quite a bit but not like what people say. I have noticed some stretching and alot of side growth/bushiness, it may be my strain too. I am planning on some more vigorous...
  5. BCBuddy420

    I Need Some Advice About A Girl, Destiny or God Kicking Me In The Teeth?

    I say if she's worth it, stick with it and read her signs. But do NOT go out of your way, because is he was with that goof Jrad then she must be attracted to that type. Feel the situation. Or just get her drunk and fuck the living shit outta her. That's what I would do, then you can say hahaha I...
  6. BCBuddy420

    my plant growing under red light bulb

    well led's have alot of red, purple, in them, but what type of red lights are they? just incandescents? how many watts? where did you get them?
  7. BCBuddy420

    my plant growing under red light bulb

    I dont think that will work, check into lighting for marijuana
  8. BCBuddy420

    Advice please...first indoor grow

    create a new space for them and buy more lighting?? I would get myself a little 400 watt hps and a couple fans for intake/exhaust, if you have 8 sprouts I would count on 5-6 of them being female which will be perfect for your 400 having each plant in a 2 gallon pot filled with a soilless medium...
  9. BCBuddy420

    first grow soiless mix with OG Kush

    really? I thought it way way more than that, like at least 1200 bux... okay I will look into that, thanks.
  10. BCBuddy420

    first grow soiless mix with OG Kush

    Hey Ptone. Well man I'd love to buy a real co2 setup but I'm ridiculously broke ATM, all I can afford is the pucks, better than nothing I guess... I plan on max use of them by placing the dish in the middle of the room so it pours down over the canopy with my fans evenly distributing the gas...
  11. BCBuddy420

    first grow soiless mix with OG Kush

    Hey Sensai. Yeah man I'm thinking that even with just the excellofizz pucks I plan on using ( $ 120/ month ) I'm get at least a 15 % percent increase in weight :) Hey so what do ya know about molasses and how/when should I start. I have seen many report on a up to, 30 % increase in harvest...
  12. BCBuddy420

    Canadians Read.

    risky post :shock: um yeah just order some from a seed bank that is reputable...
  13. BCBuddy420

    Checking my plants when lights are out.....

    or you could change the hours, I'm assuming your worried about light leaks right. Fix them and run 9-9 am that way you can service your room after 9 b4 bed and in the morn when you wake up. Also you will have better temperature levels this way... I'm just guessing your reason though, most people...
  14. BCBuddy420

    electric bill...

    very scary, never heard of this. where is the technology based from?? do you have a link for us?
  15. BCBuddy420

    electric bill...

    1000 watts from a coffee maker? really? I think it has alot to do with amps being drawn also
  16. BCBuddy420

    electric bill...

    no, I couldnt get the page to load, but it's that link I threw at the end. It explains alot more about how they (hydro) get computer based red-flags on suspicious electricity consumption, in turn, handing it over to the pigs to conduct an investigation, and perhaps a search warrant, they can...
  17. BCBuddy420

    growing with blacklight

    blacklights....cmon! thats that's.....dispicable!!! :lol:
  18. BCBuddy420

    electric bill...

    Supporting the police As required under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, "my local hydro" responds to more than 5,000 requests a year from police, providing consumption information on specific locations in connection with ongoing criminal investigations of suspected...
  19. BCBuddy420

    What do I need to do to yield a pound/month?

    I dont need an air cooled shade (cool climate) don't know yet, first grow. Hydro (soilless) I am predicting a pound per 1000 watt at least (dry)
  20. BCBuddy420

    Ive got bugs.....

    I use hotshots, seems to work very very well. I also did a spray with some bug-b-gone from scotts