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  1. tje22

    Spiderlike web around germinating seeds

    can you post some pics?
  2. tje22

    Spiderlike web around germinating seeds

    Im not sure but it kinda sound like mold.
  3. tje22

    Second Grow First Time Indoor Grow Check it out

    Lookin great man + rep. Bubblelicious is in my next lineup to grow.
  4. tje22

    Rock Hard Shiny Nugs = Diamonds

    looks great man keep it up. +rep
  5. tje22

    Aurora Indica

    cool im sub'ed
  6. tje22

    Clones please help! First timer

    sweet man thats awsome
  7. tje22

    Aurora Indica

    lookin good man + rep, aurora indica is in the lineup for my next grow
  8. tje22

    Soil and Flower Tab Test

    I dont have it yet, hopefully one more week. I'm getting the Secret Jardin dr120t. It has a veg and flower room basically in one tent, you can take them apart too.
  9. tje22

    Soil and Flower Tab Test

    Hey Everyone. This week i added the soil tab powder out of the bottom of there bags in the water, and the plant took off lol. I had to raise the light and supercrop a couple tips that were starting to outgrow the rest of the canopy. 5 days ago I thought i found a beetle borer hole at...
  10. tje22

    Fisrt time noob. Just looking to see if im on the right track.

    also it would help to get an oscilating fan blowing on it.
  11. tje22

    Fisrt time noob. Just looking to see if im on the right track.

    I dont think that would help much, but it couldnt hurt. just remember next time to get a soil that drains well, and even add more perlite to it for extra drainage
  12. tje22

    Fisrt time noob. Just looking to see if im on the right track.

    I dont think its the light keeping it small, check my signature, that plant is only under 3 18" tube floros. I really think your soil doesnt have enouph drainage. I know how it is, I had a first grow once too lol.
  13. tje22

    Sugar Daddy ???

    he was talking about doing a harvest were he would use molasses on half of his plants
  14. tje22

    So about Miracle gro...

    I used mg on my first few grows and the only prob i had was that my bottom sets of leaves kept dying off.
  15. tje22

    Sugar Daddy ???

    I'd be interested in a half harvest with molasses. I'm curious about using it
  16. tje22


    i do. I have that problem with alot of things, thats why i just stick with pot. Its the only one who wont let me down lol
  17. tje22

    Fisrt time noob. Just looking to see if im on the right track.

    btw poof, if you havnt notice there is alot of controversy on alot of topics around here, you will just get used to it lol
  18. tje22

    Fisrt time noob. Just looking to see if im on the right track.

    How is it not true? I read it over and over again and again.
  19. tje22

    Twisted almost dead new leaf growth

    Sorry if this is a syupid ? but you do realise that 12/12 makes your plant flower right?
  20. tje22

    Fisrt time noob. Just looking to see if im on the right track.

    lol sorry jesus we were typing at the same time