Just fucking ask those bitches if they tryin to match and if not then fuck em
When i have bud i smoke my friends out and they match me a bowl a L or smoke me out next time
If u keep smokin them they gonna keep comin back for more D UH
oh man what the fuck is gonna happen with that screen so close
u got my attention ur grow is looking good tho
check out my sig I'm about as far along as you
good shit tho
HEY everyone Im growing a Big Buddha CHIESEL fem seed that just turned out to be fem
;-):lol::-P Im like a month into veg now
Im usin a 3 gal with B'CUZZ Coco and an inch of Hydroton in the bottom
Using H3ad's Lucas formula for coco
I also mixed in like 3 scoops of Great White Mycorrhizae...