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  1. L

    Broke grower needs help designing cheap, odour reduced/free grow box

    Hey dude check this out, little project I did, it cost me less than $100, lights were about 150, but you can go cheaper for lower wattage and ya you could do it with the CFL, and your cost would...
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    DIY Grow Chamber - NO SHIT - CHEAP AWESOME AND SAFE, but you be the judge! - DAY 1

    woo hoo, got a five start for this thread!! Thanks. Hope it helps nebody wantin to try this out,, peace love and trichomes!! Also i noticed after using this thing for a few days now that is does tend to get kind hot even though its just CFL's may have to stick in a small fan at...
  3. L

    So does anybody else stare at their plants as much as I do??

    I can't help myself, im out there like three,four, five.... times a day, smoke a dube and just watch em grow, which isn't very action packed but man is it entertaining, I think Im comin down with a growing addiciton lol
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    Is Pot Hot? Do you Agree or Disagree? What More Should be Included?

    dodo lol too funny,, hey man lets go blow some dodo ---stealin it man lol
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    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    We all just want less we wanna grow some seeds of a killer strain, one you have three nodes to a branch you can pretty much clone it, cut it at a 45, take off the bottom leaves, leaving a small stem below to go into your rooting gel, then immediately put it into your soil or...
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    Do You Really Think Marijuana Will Be Legal Soon? (nationwide)

    Ya LOL them tooo! I'm sure theres a few more that will come up too, that was just offa the top o my head... Least i know Im not the only jaded one here lol!!
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    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Just postin to let ya know i gave an answer for ya in the CFL post...cheers dude
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    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    Greenseedbaby - Dude that little guy looks awesome!!
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    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    How big are your plants, if you want to sex them asap, you can take a clone off and flower it, if you get balls, badddd.....if you get bud, great!!!...... Hope this helps!
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    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    Do you think using colored CFL's such as blue and red would help any with the veg and bloom cycle?
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    Is Pot Hot? Do you Agree or Disagree? What More Should be Included?

    I have many names for POT, reffereeno, dubia, khan, weed, smj, hippie hay, ganja, sats, sativ..etc. and pot, why not, who cares what the media says, people need to start having their own minds and stop being so influenced by what they see on TV, I canceled my cable and watch everything on the...
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    Do You Really Think Marijuana Will Be Legal Soon? (nationwide)

    Although I wish it would be, here is why I think it will be many years before we see cannabis legal across north America, basically because of big business. If you really look at the versatility of hemp and cannabis, it would seriously affect many industries and groups, here's a few: The...
  13. L

    Need Help on Grow Room Design Please +rep

    Hey man, if you want a stealth grow, specially if ure just doin 5 plants I would check out my DIY grow post, I would recomend doin a scrog, the you could do like 8 plants and get much quicker cycles, plus ventin this thing out is pretty easy, you can just use dryer hose and just put it up to a...
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    How to clone. With alot of pictures very good Cloning Guide

    sweet thanx man, btw thats a wicked tatty!
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    How to clone. With alot of pictures very good Cloning Guide

    the problem is the nodes are literally less than an eight of an inch apart, how much stem is needed for it to root properly. if I was to cut a piece off that was 1" in length it would have between 5- 8 nodes, so do I just clip the leaves of the bottom 4-7 and just leave the top, or is there a...
  16. L

    Couple Questions About The Site!

    I take it you have to be a member for a while before the admin will enable reputation to be seen by other, I got two greens and a grey but don't see them added, hey also, thanks for the reply, I did try the FAQ, but i'll look again!
  17. L

    How to clone. With alot of pictures very good Cloning Guide

    So i know you said plants need to be at least two months old to clone, I have an affy, it's two months now but really short, under a foot, the nodes are really really close together, I wanna clone this plant but am uncertain where to cut and if I can do it when its this small, at the bottom...
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    Got a question about cloning and roots

    awesome, thanks riddleme!
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    Couple Questions About The Site!

    Let me start off by saying that RIU it fucken awesome and the comminity here is great! I am proud to be a member and hope I get to know all of you and make many new friends here! That being said I'm a bit confused as to the rating system here, I have read the thread but don't totally...