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  1. Rizzo00

    Autoberry dark period?? anyone??

    She looks like she still has a couple weeks to go. I wouldn't flush yet! She probably still has some swelling to do.
  2. Rizzo00

    Pineapple Express Curing!

    Gik69 It was 4 clones that I was given. They were grown outdoors during winter. Each plant was only about 18" tall and got about a half ounce from each plant. The same strain indoors is much less dense, and a lot lighter in color. My buds are tinted with purple all over im guessing because of...
  3. Rizzo00

    Topping Plants???

    At what height or maturity should i top plants so i can have a bushier plant???
  4. Rizzo00

    Looking to expand my collection!!!!

    I currently have some great auto genetics!! Super Silver Haze, Cream Caramel, and Auto Assassin. I want some more variety! Lets get some good feedback on some Autos that wood be good to grow outdoors. If you have pictures of past grows please post!!! Lets get ready for that spring SUN!! Ya baby!
  5. Rizzo00

    Pineapple Express Curing!

    I am currently curing what will eventually be around 2 ounces dry of some pineapple express. I want to know when that crazy dank/diesel smell that they had before harvest will come back???? Right now it is barely there. Its dry enough to smoke and it IS SOME FIRE just doesnt smell like it anymore.
  6. Rizzo00

    Is this Flash Santa Auto Ripe

    give it another week at least.
  7. Rizzo00

    Outdoor Autos!

    cool man!!! ya i have some pineapple express that I just put into jars to cure. The temp got down to 29f a couple nights but it didnt effect them at all. of course my yield suffered bcuz of the lower uv rays and cool temp during winter but how many folks can say they can grow outdoors all year...
  8. Rizzo00

    Outdoor Autos!

    Jyermum I dont have the luxury of starting anything indoors but if you do i would agree with hoss. I dont know where you are located but the lower the temperature the slower the plant will grow. Well that is if it drops below 60f. I know I promised photos at 1 week but I havent had time yet. 1...
  9. Rizzo00

    How Long do Seeds Last

    I have always had almost 100% success germinating beans by soaking in a cup of water until they sink and then putting them into a damp paper towl in a plastic bag for a couple days. Superb ganja! It is perfectly fine to do it this way. Especially for noobs.
  10. Rizzo00

    Outdoor drying

    I don't have the luxury of drying my buds indoors. Does anyone know of a proper way to dry buds outside??? Thanks
  11. Rizzo00

    Outdoor Autos!

    Ya what is the temp there? I don't think it will get cold enough again to hurt them here.
  12. Rizzo00

    Outdoor Autos!

    I just sprouted 4 Super Silver Haze Autos on Jan. 24! I have Cream Caramel Auto and Auto Assassin ordered and will start them as soon as they arrive. I started a journal for my Autos so follow along. Will post pics of the SSH in a week since we all know what sprouts look like.
  13. Rizzo00

    Super Siler Haze Auto!

    They are from
  14. Rizzo00

    Super Siler Haze Auto!

    I just planted 4 SSH Autos has anyone else had any success with this strain? If so i would love to see some pics!
  15. Rizzo00

    Which genetics get the largest yield???

    i live in a tropical climate. i dont have to worry about frost or freeze.
  16. Rizzo00

    Which genetics get the largest yield???

    If grown outdoors will a Indica or a Sativa yield more? Thanks my brothers and sisters!!
  17. Rizzo00

    Whats the best way to germ.

    what is a rapid rooter? where are these purchased? hydro store?
  18. Rizzo00

    Pineapple Express!!! One more week!

    I actually dont know the exact genetics i got some clones from a friend. All he said was that it was PE. They arent yielding much because they werent fed any nutes and because it is winter. Im surprised and super excited that they lived thru the freezes. Looks like abot 1.5 ounces total off 4...
  19. Rizzo00

    Pineapple Express!!! One more week!

    Oh and if you cant tell from the pics it is starting to get some purple in it!