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  1. Huckster79

    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    It will be a while, we agree on one thing. It will be a while as the GOP has no balls nor spine, soul or heart... it will take taking control away from Trumps minions in congress. So hypothetical here: So roles reversed you guys would be ok with this type of behavior? Yawl wouldnt think...
  2. Huckster79

    Trim fading leaves

    So im 3 weeks or so from finish on my gg4... some of the top fans are fading, i would have liked delaying this a bit but too late now this run. The ones most didectly under tbe 1000watter fading fastest. But they arent burn, yellowed, crispied in anyway, but are fading out of color and...
  3. Huckster79

    Watering issues after transplant

    And try coco next time, way less watering issues with O and overwatering worries all but go a new convert and loving it
  4. Huckster79

    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    But i hope we all realize we may need to pray our institutions survive maybe another 20 months as things im begining to think if we had gopro footage of donnie making dirty deals with putin himself that much of GOP would defend him while a few would criticize but still do nothing.
  5. Huckster79

    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    If i could ever feel sorry for a rich kid, it would be barron. Melania knows, shes keeping baron away from DC to protect him. Can you imagine how she had to explain to him how daddy us going away to DC we wont see him much, but son thats okay it will start to get you used to it when daddy goes...
  6. Huckster79

    1000w hps is overworking my leaves

    Mine is getting very bleached no burnt crispy look but very bleached leaves, buds still look nice but quite sure its not a deficiency because outer corners that arent right under the light look perfect. I cannot move light further away, cant bend em any lower. But heres two ideas, input...
  7. Huckster79

    1000w hps is overworking my leaves

    Yea. Maybe i shoulda have got my co2 setup again as i beleive they can use more light when they are on the gas...
  8. Huckster79

    1000w hps is overworking my leaves

    Is there a difference from bleaching and leaf overworked by too intense of light? Or are those two words for same shinanigan?
  9. Huckster79

    1000w hps is overworking my leaves

    I get same type issue on mine. Its one good sized broad flat topped plant, the portion right under my light looks N defficient. The corners out from being direct under light look fine. Its 18" i wished for 6 more but mis estimated hight when i LSTed her in late veg... thats all the room i...
  10. Huckster79

    Trump fires James Comey!

    If that were an open hearing with comey id take the day off and pop popcorn! Can you beleive sanders huckabee saying russia bs is over. Strong women need to rise up against her and Kelly Ann conwoman. Trumps going to bafoon them and then make it out as "what ya expect from a couple bimbos"...
  11. Huckster79

    Trump fires James Comey! "ten ways go tell if your president is a dictator"
  12. Huckster79

    Trump fires James Comey!

    Im no comey fan at all! However dismantling existing intellegence agencies is a trait of a rising autocrat. Im going to go read that paper on it that was published last year, ill post it once i find it... If anyone thinks his regime is incapable of becoming a full fledged autocracy at some...
  13. Huckster79

    House Intelligence Committee calls for Grand Jury on Trump/Russia collusion

    An independent council becomes all the more important after firing Comey!!! Im no Comey chearleader by a long long shot. But the effect of being able to nominate the person who will be in charge of the criminal investigation into your own campaigns possible crimes? Now thats scary crap. One...
  14. Huckster79

    Do you harvest the whole plant at once??

    Mine took 4 weeks. I just kept scoping them as u now no longer have days in flower evenn as a refference point. It took a week for her to drink her watering where before harvest she was drinking every 3 days. So between less plant mass to support and the stress of a major chop she did little...
  15. Huckster79

    Do you harvest the whole plant at once??

    It will, I did same thing if you seen my post above. In my experience they never densed up like nice top buds but where a helluva lot better than they would have been had I taken em all at once...
  16. Huckster79

    Anyone have a good soil mix for fresh clones?

    Try coco. You ll never go back to peat... justbstraight coco. Im sure your castings are fine, what i mean is i just use straight coco no perlite or vermiculite or anything like that. I am a recent convert but im just loving the stuff...
  17. Huckster79

    kushner lied about billion dollar loans from soros and goldman sachs

    Chrisopherson wrote a lot of "the greats" music, though cash did write many of his own. At the peak of his benny abuse he was writing an alblum a month as he never slept...
  18. Huckster79

    LST before flower: will it hurt more than help?

    What he said. I often pretape spots that look susceptible to split. Go in steps and take advantage of the time right before watering, push it just a bit and as it gets closer to entering wilt the stems will be softer for bending....
  19. Huckster79

    Alcohol Tincture

    Anyone ever try a magnetic beaker mixer? You know the ones where u put a lil plastic coated magnet in the jar, or by design a beaker, then set it on a special unit that has a magnetic deal in it and it spins the peice in the jar? You could get 24/7 agitation that way! Havent tried it just an idea
  20. Huckster79

    kushner lied about billion dollar loans from soros and goldman sachs

    Im kinda a bit of a fan... if ya cant tell by my avitar. Lol