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  1. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    I topped all my plants, when will there growth slow down as they've tripled in size? They look nice and bushy, with 4 nice tops, there just getting to big, i thought flipping then at 7 inches would prevent this
  2. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    If they do get to tall ive thought about stringing the branches down, is there anything else i can do?
  3. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Here's an update guys, there at week six from germanation, they seem to have really picked up, my only issue is my amnesia haze are out growing there space even tho i fliiped then at 7 inches, there now just over 3 ft,
  4. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    Yeah it is a kind of love, my gf doesnt understand my new found passion for growing plants haha
  5. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    They feed quite heavy, give them like 4 litres every 2 days
  6. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    I dont know why it posted the same two pics twice
  7. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    Looks like the nuggets are starting to take form
  8. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    Heres hoping ha
  9. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    Is it safe to talk about growing on these sites?
  10. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    I've always I've bought a hose now, that should do the trick
  11. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    Wow so it sounds quiet the opposite then, have you grown outdoors in cali?
  12. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    Theres times i sigh at the thought of filling my tubs up ha cant wait for the hose pipe to arrive
  13. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    Fair play to you, just goes to show the work you're willing to put in for you're hobbys, i bet its a nightmare growing indoors in a california summer, the climate in the uk in the winter is great for indoor grows, theres hardly any pests alive it gets so cold haha
  14. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    Oh shit sorry, i read wrong ha
  15. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    Just ordered a indoor hose pipe attachment until now ive been manually filling 2 50l buckets with a 2 litre jug, thats 50 trips from a bathroom sink up some ladders into an attic haha
  16. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    1 to 2 g a watt would be amazing ha, id be happy if i got 2oz per plant
  17. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    Obviously i know you guys cant answer specifically but does anyone know what kind of a yield ill get off 12 plants under 4 600w in good conditions?
  18. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    Yeah mines a boy, best dogs but they have so much energy,mines clumsy as hell too
  19. ItsJustMe84

    1st grow, my plants at 6 weeks old

    Yes that sounds reasonable wont take me long to do a tuck once a day