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  1. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    breath life into thread, for I am the great raven, the words shall now flow, I have conquered it! indeed several days ago! :D but life then happened. now heph is missing :( tyler was he your victim?! was on halloween. hope he appears soon, lest the flow of green run dry, am I indeed cursed...
  2. RavenMochi

    It's A Fuct World

    As always, I appreciate it. :) And pm me when you start it, I'll be subbed.
  3. RavenMochi

    It's A Fuct World

    Not really, think of it this way. People come here knowing this info is according to him. Its their responsibility to do homework on the advice they get. If he was going thread to thread, that would be a different matter, but as far as I can tell, he only answers questions here. Not to mention...
  4. RavenMochi

    It's A Fuct World

    Well, why don't you. Your a very capable grower, and you have every other variable worked out, your as good as any to do such a thing. If he's wrong, the proof will be in the pudding. This is his thread, Jin, who's patronizing who? I'm sure reading his advice came off as insulting, your a snob...
  5. RavenMochi

    Your a lurker! :shock: *gasps!!* Welcome to RIU :blsmoke:

    Your a lurker! :shock: *gasps!!* Welcome to RIU :blsmoke:
  6. RavenMochi

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    O.o I don't see the relationship between abortion and seatbelts, but I don't think we should have to wear seatbelts. When I was 14 we got sideswiped at a light, I found out what a ping pong ball felt like, I had just past out when it happened and walked away with nothing but soreness. According...
  7. RavenMochi

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    roll me one, you shroom eating bastard. :p
  8. RavenMochi

    Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

    looking great, can't wait to see them further into flowering...†drools†
  9. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    what you describe here, is how I imagine hell. best of luck my friend. Indeed I may have, it knows not who it fucks with, I will kick its ass! :p
  10. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    sickness has hit me, rough throat, headache, nausea, this time of year sucks.
  11. RavenMochi

    Let The Battle Begin.

    tell me how that works out for you... ;)
  12. RavenMochi

    What Do You Think Of Acrylic Nails?

    .... good picture for halloween? Scared the hell out out of me. :shock:
  13. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    I am envious, waiting on my next order, soon, I will be high. :p
  14. RavenMochi

    A Guy Walks Into A Bar...

    †L† I've used a variation of that more then a few times.
  15. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    bwahahahaha you entertain me good sir, I therefore forgive :p
  16. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    when weed flow steady, the ever changing eye will, confuse and lose me :p
  17. RavenMochi

    Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

    1) Im in the us, and I don't watch NHL, 2) That avatar is fucking trippy :shock:
  18. RavenMochi

    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    That will be a merry xmas. I'm hoping my mom will be ready to use as a small xmas tree :D RL420 -That avatar fucking rocks.
  19. RavenMochi

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    Technicalities. The fact is, their is money involved. You don't do this shit for free. As far as your "legal" and "legit", it violates federal law, just until recently they didn't act on that authority. Seems like that shits changing, so will you quit if your "card" no longer makes it legit? I...
  20. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    it is indeed so! :shock: run from the digital chains!! to late, your here now. ;)