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  1. EvolAlex

    Club 600

    I guess im welcome to the 600 club. Im running 2 600 watt HPS in a 5x5.5' closet.
  2. EvolAlex

    what strain is this!! week 6 flower +rep

    most definately indica dominant
  3. EvolAlex

    Need Exhaust In 5x5 Closet

    depends on how much light you gonna run but odds are that is not enough, inline fan is what your looking for and your not getting it from wallyworld.
  4. EvolAlex

    My first grow design. Little help with the flower room?

    that makes no sense at all... i run two 600s in a 5x5.5 area. 6" 435 cfm inline fan hooked to carbon scrubber for exauhst. 6" 435 cfm inline fan air cooling the two 600 watt cooltubes 6" 265 cfm booster fan for active intake No problems with heat as of yet, summer might be tricky. good luck
  5. EvolAlex

    Most Miserable Period Of My Life Selfish Gf

    i was thinkin the same shit, aint this rollitup???? rollitup n move on
  6. EvolAlex

    growop technologies ltd - buyer beware!

    who the fuck are you people...
  7. EvolAlex

    How to Roll a Perfect Blunt!

    lol.... agreed but i gott switch shit up every now n then
  8. EvolAlex

    How to Roll a Perfect Blunt!

    to each its own ya dig
  9. EvolAlex

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Tahoe Og from Cali connections
  10. EvolAlex

    How to Roll a Perfect Blunt!

    blunt time
  11. EvolAlex

    I'm coding a drug management site to keep track of sales. Would anyone be interested?

    tracking illegal drug sales online, sounds pretty unsmart to me, no matter how secure you think it is someone can get into it. Contacts, lol just so you can take em all down with you. Bad idea man
  12. EvolAlex

    How to Roll a Perfect Blunt!
  13. EvolAlex

    How to Roll a Perfect Blunt!

    i smoke most of my blunts by myself or with the old lady. the blunt time also depend on the tightness of the blunt. if the blunt is loose is lets more air flow through which is essentially smoking the blunt for you, but too tight and not even you can hit it. I like to break my nuggs up by hand...
  14. EvolAlex

    How to Roll a Perfect Blunt!

    shit burns for about 30 minutes, give or take.. swishers burn pretty fast, garcia y vegas on the other hand burn super slow.
  15. EvolAlex

    How to Roll a Perfect Blunt!

    blunt time
  16. EvolAlex


  17. EvolAlex

    PPM Info Needed

    appreciate that... how do these number come about though? i.e. how much nitroger equals 250ppm . i know nothing about how this shit works.