I love horror movies..I love slasher movies..i dont mind blood and gore, but I did NOT enjoy Cannibal Holocaust! It was revolting...I returned it the next day and said it "didnt work" and luckily for me they didnt have another copy. ah..... :(
agreed, epic! El orfanato is epic because being super baked and listening to the spanish just makes it more awesome, then its the freakiest shit with the best ending. Shrooms was hilarious that's the one with the guy and the cow right? I was loling for sure.
I've never understood why they have these small ROOR bongs for around 1k. Its insanity. I don't see the reasoning its like shopping from Abercrombie and Fitch no?
I vote breathe right strips, I used to sleep with someone who had like a deviated septum and that was the only thing that kept his snoring at bay.
..but then again if its not your nose then I'd try those things in your mouth PMW is talking about.
Haha thats craziness...the best nigiri salmon is like butta :D no need for soy sauce..just adds to the awesome. Its very good for you and delicious!! I dont know about this "fad" business im sure Japan would disagree :P IMO..
First day was good! My sociology teacher had the same rasta ring tone as me so hopefully we'll get along :clap:
Thanks for all the responses its cool to see the variety of education here!
I'm off to the first day of spring semester classes.
Who else here goes to school? Where do you go, what for?
Have you been to school? whered you go? how'd it go?!?
I look forward to reading responses when I get home :D :clap:
Leopard geckos are great starter lizards..but be careful where you get your lizards. When i was about your daughters age I bought 2 leopard geckos from a store, and they didnt seem very healthy but they assured my father they were tired and just got in recently.. they died in less than a week...
No way. Those "friends" of her planned this shit. Get her high, record it, make her look like an ass, make 70 GRAND selling the bong her dirty jailbait lips touched... genius!
I'm pretty sure that 10% of people are also the ones who fall into pyramid schemes.. they're weak minded and unable to produce self control.. marijuana has no physical dependency therefore mind over matter.. :eyesmoke: