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  1. apollo4201982

    Stunning..Meet Your Next Supreme

    Blaa blaa blaaa
  2. apollo4201982

    Don't waste money on double ended lights

    I thought i read that air cooling a de bulb was bad for the bulb? Something about the bulb doesnt get to full temp so you lose some of the added spectum...
  3. apollo4201982

    Civil Discourse

    Sorry to the OP as this is off topic
  4. apollo4201982

    Civil Discourse

    Sounds like discrimination buck, you got something against retarded people?
  5. apollo4201982

    Civil Discourse

    No thats to good for you. i know a few retarded people who are far superior to you
  6. apollo4201982

    Civil Discourse

    All that proves is that you are retarted.
  7. apollo4201982

    Civil Discourse

    Remeber when you admitted to being a snitch and being proud of it? Remember wanting all the people commiting a federal crime of being a grower thrown in jail? On a weed site no less. You are a tool and you always will be, this is your only outlet to spread your hateful message. But please...
  8. apollo4201982

    Civil Discourse

    He just had the people who won the bet banned like a sore loser would do.
  9. apollo4201982

    Civil Discourse

    And lost, then backed out of the deal like the loser he is.
  10. apollo4201982

    Civil Discourse

    You are more racist than anyone you have accused buck.
  11. apollo4201982

    Civil Discourse

    Just about everyone you accuse.... You are a giant waste of space.
  12. apollo4201982

    Unindicted Co-Conspirator The Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    O You are a giant tool doing more work for the trump re-election than he could ever do......thanks
  13. apollo4201982

    Do you miss obama?

  14. apollo4201982

    America Is a Failed State

    Im sure mexico has room for you.
  15. apollo4201982

    America Is a Failed State

    I think your words are falling on deaf ears... They wont stop the hate and name calling its all they know. Dem or rep makes no difference to me its about the lesser of 2 evils and the more they call us names and push the people they want with hate the more likely we will see another 4 years of...
  16. apollo4201982

    Couple Fined For Refusing To Host Gay Wedding Shuts Down Venue

    So the state can fine this buisness and violate their religious rights?
  17. apollo4201982

    Element Electronics closes down due to tariffs, 5000 jobs lost

    See thats just it, these guys act like that behind a computer monitor hoping to inspire some nut job who actually has balls to do something stupid.
  18. apollo4201982

    official scorecard

    I was not going to vote last election and you changed my mind.