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    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    updated pics awww shit...I just realized I took the pics with my cell phone and not my normal weed camera, lol....Damn it ! lol.... ok, well I'll see if I can get pics up tomorrow or thursday....sorry... I had bud porn too !!!
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    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    33 days in 12-12 :UPDATE I just realized the title option for individual messages is gone...that sucks made it tougher for me to find when I switched to 12-12...anyways here's an update....I've been increasing the nutes...She definitely likes them a lot...In fact tomorrow I am going to nute for...
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    Jacks Classic?

    Does it measure total strength of your nute solution ? Or does it break down each individual mineral and nutrient ? IE: like how much iron, magnesium, nitrogen, etc ?
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    Jacks Classic?

    I'm a cheap ass and even I have a ppm meter. You can pick one up for less than $10. Otherwise you're just guessing. this is gonna sound stupid but...what exact are you measuring with that thing ?
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    Jacks Classic?

    hey i don't have a ppm tester....All I know is how the plant has been reacting to different amounts I have been giving it...She immediately from the beginning was showing deficiencies...It wasn't until the back to back feedings, and the max dosage that she really started showing signs...
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    Jacks Classic?

    you're right it is...that's a typo, and now I can't edit must be too old or something....that's weird because I just posted it yesterday.... Anyways, a full does is actually 3 tsp or 1 tbl per gallon.... Last time I fed her a max dose of 20-20-20...this time I may switch to the...
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    Sannie's SugarPunch

    well now I am getting worried...I still don't have my seeds, and as of this Friday it would have been a full 3 weeks..,Sannie's site stated 5 to 15 business days.... It didn't take that long to get to them....And the only other time I ordered seeds online was from Herbie's, and I got them real...
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    Jacks Classic?

    thnx for the info...I wasn't sure if too many nutes can cause a nute lockout or something... Yes I will watch her closely....Somewhere on here I read an experienced grower does not have a "nute schedule", but rather he feeds his plants based on what they are telling him.... And, in my case it...
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    My 1st indoor CFL grow; Handmade Fixtures

    I think the reason you're getting females is very simple.... It's the aluminum foil.... The aluminum foil is sending tiny microscopic laser-like beams of light at any balls the moment they appear instantly castrating them, and turrning any would-be male plant into a female plant.
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    Can I Nute Twice in a Row ? Jack's Classic & Blossom Booster

    Well she took well to a max dosage but still looks a little deficient....And this was after I bumped it to the max dose from 1/3 dose.... I'm thinking about nuting a third time in a row....perhaps with another max dose ? Can't see why not if she is still exhibiting deficiencies, right ?
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    Jacks Classic?

    thnx for the info.... any idea what can happen if you feed too much ?
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    Anybody order from Dinafem Seedbank???

    anyone know if dinafem gives freebies when you order directly from them ?
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    Cinderella 99/C99: Who does it best?

    anyone else here try the c99 from Herbies ? And if so, did you have any problems germinating the seeds ?
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    Blue Widow - Dinafem

    looks nice...what did you yield off that plant ?
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    Jacks Classic?

    Hey guys I'm about 4 weeks into flowering...I just gave my plant (keralaxskunk#1) a max dose of 20-20-20....I think from here on out I am going to mix the all-purpose and blossom boosters 50/50.....Can I feed the max dose of 3 tbl/gallon all the way until the end ? And, do you guys feed every...
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    Light question for indoor veg room for outdoor crop?

    Ive read that if you use fluorescent lights you should hardern off....not so much if you use a HPS.... Thoughts ? Anyone here not harden off after vegging with fluorescent lighting ?
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    GH Rapid Start Root Enhancer

    does anyone think it's odd that a product with substances that may cause cancer is used for plant feeding ? Should I be worried...I gave 1/2 ml last feeding...and I have my next nute batch mixed up for also contains 1/2 ml of Rapid Start....results were positive after I used it...
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    SpeedySeedz Beware Rollitup Staff (Speedy Seedz)

    Speedyseedz....Nothing but pure scum.
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    Sannie's SugarPunch

    I never got a tracking number...I guess I chose regular shipping method...And I double checked it wasn't shipped out on the 6th, but rather the 4th...So it's been a full two weeks now...It only took just over a week to get to them.
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    Sannie's SugarPunch

    wow they sure do explode after 2 weeks of veggin.... Well yesterday I was in the shower getting ready for work when I hear a knock on the door...I thought "Sannies woooo hooooo!" So I jumped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around me, and ran to the door...water everywhere , first I...