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  1. P

    First grow first post! Need some help!

    Ya they dont carry that near me or I would grab some. Any recommendations on maybe some stuff I can add to this soil to make it better. It looks like it could use some perlite or something but I dont really know...
  2. P

    First grow first post! Need some help!

    Ya the soil I think was too dry when those pictures were taken. As I said I did add some water and I have noticed maybe a little bit of change for the better. I am thinking about switching to pro-mix which is something I can get at my local nursery. Any thoughts on pro-mix potting and seedling...
  3. P

    First grow first post! Need some help!

    ahh I hate forgetting stuff I want to tell you guys! He also mentioned to me to maybe go down to like a 20/4 light schedule with them and then maybe down to even more hours of dark as they are going to be plants that are going to be growing out doors for a long time with a light schedule that is...
  4. P

    First grow first post! Need some help!

    Also just to add about the Fafard Farms custom mix, the guy at the nursery who is a friend of mine and knows what I am doing with it told me that they start all of their plants at the nursery in this stuff.. from the time they are little babies until they are full grown. He assures me its good...
  5. P

    First grow first post! Need some help!

    So I just picked up a rapitest ph/moisture/fertility/light tester today. Ya not the greatest one as it was only 15 bucks but I figured it would at least give me a little bit of an idea as to what is going on. pH - in soil tester sits around 7. light - the tester has levels from 1-10 I am...
  6. P

    First grow first post! Need some help!

    I have drainage holes, I am not sure on the soil and if their have been nutes added I am going to stop by the nursery today and ask if they can tell me what is IN their CUSTOM mix lol! Ya thanks for the help, I will water them right now! When reading the newbie stuff I often see DONT OVER...
  7. P

    First grow first post! Need some help!

    Hello all I am new here and a newbie to the cannabis growing world which is probably why I find myself here in this newbie forum asking for help! :) Basically I have a bunch of babies I have started for the up coming outdoor season. I have them inside in my closet which I leave the door open to...