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  1. Huckster79

    bill oreilly fired from fox

    No, i do get what you are say8ng...
  2. Huckster79

    bill oreilly fired from fox

    Just a random thought on gop presidents came to mind, from mentioning how history will write of this. Most GOPers would not try to associate too closely with bein from the party of Nixon, Many would rather not boast of W and theres a few, with many more to come of todys GOPers that dont want...
  3. Huckster79

    bill oreilly fired from fox

    True... well its not rape though when your famous, they just let you do whatever you want to do... so if "they let you" thats close enough to concentual to allow tbese filth bags to sleep at night. If our democracy survives how will history write of this chapter? I hope it notes that there...
  4. Huckster79

    bill oreilly fired from fox

    You think if trump and oreilly where out trolling for babes and struck out they would just go shag each other?
  5. Huckster79

    bill oreilly fired from fox

    You know what will make you loose the munchies? I was just reading an article on it, his victims claim he wud call em and they could hear him beating the hell out of his knobly little old crank! Thats effing sick! Thats an audio in my head i cannot now unhear!
  6. Huckster79

    Donald Trump does not respect you

    Correct, he does not. He plays the masses like a piano, even those not his supporters. He created so much buzz and unbeleivable stories one could not make up, now that the shit gets more serious and stakes higher his supporters wont beleive the evidence and far too many yawn and ask their mate...
  7. Huckster79

    "we are sending an armada" to the korean peninsula

    Theres actually nothing that fully addresses how we would navigate that fully constitutionally does happen. The succession list is ends with: until another President be Duly elected... something to that effect. It never spells out that that has to be at the end of that presidents term...
  8. Huckster79

    "we are sending an armada" to the korean peninsula

    This shit gets nuttier by the day! Would they please prioritize the russia investigation! If they are able to be proved guilty the whole gang shud go.... new election.
  9. Huckster79

    Does anyone else perch when they poop?

    I dont perch per say but pull legs up if i got a tuffy that dont want to make the last turn... does help. Though luckly that doesnt happen often, clean livin
  10. Huckster79

    Sessions: Marijuana Is “Only Slightly Less Awful” Than Heroin

    I agree.... that was one of my disapointments in him... im not afraid to critique my own... we all need to. However as disapointed as i was/am Obama didnt that does not make sessions aggression toward the wildwood weed justified.
  11. Huckster79

    Sessions: Marijuana Is “Only Slightly Less Awful” Than Heroin

    Cannabis should be as legal as booze. Other drugs posession needs to be legal. Now im good with going after king pins and such of the meth type family. but possesion legal. The money saved from incarcerating users can be used to fund free rehab clinics for anyone looking to get off the hard...
  12. Huckster79

    How Pathetic..

    Well being blatantly hypocritical is not a trait one should be apethetic of...either in themselves or others. Theres no direct consequences to being a hypocrite besides the degradation of character, the ability to be true leaders as its not a trait that inspires others to follow once its...
  13. Huckster79

    Syria distraction.

    I get what you are saying about genius, i shoulda put it in air quotes so according to Spicey that means its not literal. But im concerned if we dismiss him or his Wizard of OZ that will enable him more. Hes isnt probably a lireral genius but hes notbas dumb as he makes himself appear...
  14. Huckster79

    How Pathetic..

    Upset about this? No i find conservatives hypocracy very humorous. How can you not see the hypocracy of that? Now maybe you didnt spead those photoshopped memes of obam or the bs one about no standing ovation, but many like minded ones did. Had President Hillary had done that yawl wudda...
  15. Huckster79

    Support medicare for all or lose your seat

    Medicare for all is the only real solution to the health care crisis. They know it, both corp dems and republikans, just can't accept it politically...
  16. Huckster79

    How Pathetic..

    Omg the hypocracy of that. After the millionth meme iv seen posted of democrats and Obama photoshoped to not be holding their hand over their heart, or a picture of a time that really wasnt the pledge or anthem, screaming that its proof of liberals unpatriotic beleifs. Or the Alt right...
  17. Huckster79

    Syria distraction.

    The man is an evil genius.... he read(s) people better than any politician could have. He said all that anti interventionist stuff and knew it sounded good to the dumbed down electorate, as it was said is such a tone that made it feel tough, " your not worth our time to fight your battle" and...
  18. Huckster79

    Co2, Dramatic Difference?

    It works, but i found it only works out with a room that only has girls that are same or close days in flower and similiar run lenghth. As anectodally i found it necessary to reduce and cut it off at the end for quality sake. Though i have heard others say their experience is opposite, this is...
  19. Huckster79

    Would you support universal basic income if it meant eliminating all other social safety net progs?

    What an amazing topic. The difficulty to understand the real concept is to its an entire paradigm shift, not just plunking down ubi but all else stys the same, as in entire model. Whole model shifts. Where scamming is scorned. Where sloth is not ignored, that we work and acheive to advance...
  20. Huckster79

    Trumps fucking stupid...

    Its still hard to beleive this is real, that this is what we have become and so many are glad for it... Liberatarians and Liberals need to quit counting him out, done for, going to destroy the gop and liberal victories will reign down from the heavens, etc. They all say look at his poll...