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  1. RavenMochi

    Alright Man Strangest Places You've Gotten High?

    I'm badass at origami, making mostly things like dragons, pegusus, and the like. Last time I was in county there wasn't a chess set, and no one knew how to play. So I folded enough pieces for a chess set and we used a checker board and I taught them to play. Was never in there long enough to...
  2. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    then on whales we'll feast! so that your friends may arrive to entertain you...
  3. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    This game's like a plant, takes root in the mind and grows, its bud are haikus.
  4. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    lets end world hunger! bring back cannibalism, let us change the world. :twisted: let us save penguins let us consume the whales flesh fuck the sea shepherds :fire:
  5. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    anyone notice, no matter what we speak of, sounds like sage advice? :p
  6. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    cannibalism? when the baked consumes the baked, is that accurate? :shock:
  7. RavenMochi

    Alright Man Strangest Places You've Gotten High?

    Now thats how family reunions were meant to be... :D
  8. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    strange how time changes from once our great enemy to a gentle friend. the world is not fair but time will equal all out no one escapes it.
  9. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    at least that bit burns I look forward to time passing to my gardens growth...
  10. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    working on a code encryption is maddening god, I could use weed
  11. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    is all well, dear friend? it would seem you are perplexed you are among friends.
  12. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    Thank you dear durden this one day will be nothing but a memory.
  13. RavenMochi

    Quotes You Heard While Baked that Blew Your Mind

    "I didn't think I would be running forever, I was just gonna ride till the wheels fall off..." "So yea, I'm on the run, they don't know that, they don't need to know that." - Robert Spencer I watched that boys story, he had me laughing my ass off.
  14. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    if all else fails me within weeks my grow begins I'll fix my problem
  15. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    know not where he lives, his number disconnected, my sanity fades :cry:
  16. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    share your pain my friend, I now can smoke, but have none, dealer gone missing
  17. RavenMochi

    pm me back

    pm me back
  18. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    I thank you dear friend that knowledge will prove vital when I clone my moms.
  19. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    you must share with us, secrets of aerocloner oh wise polar bear... namely this homemade, this, your rubbermaid marvel, give us the details!!
  20. RavenMochi

    What Justifies Breaking the Law?

    I can show you examples supporting my argument, and thats your reply? Thats...kind of weak.