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  1. Combatcow

    Is this normal? Seedling curling

    Hi my seedling is curling just wondering if it looks normal. I run 50w LED 24/0 they are 6 days old the rest are fine. Thanks ;)
  2. Combatcow

    Are these growing slow?

    Hey thanks and yea i learned patience the first time I was just growing weary. I plan to veg them for a month (after they grow their first set of true leaves) and keep one in veg for cloning purposes
  3. Combatcow

    Are these growing slow?

    Hey I have a 50w LED (good distance)
  4. Combatcow

    Are these growing slow?

    Hello everyone title says it all. Are these 4 day old white widow X big bud seedlings growing slow? 4 days after they sprouted. Thanks :)
  5. Combatcow

    First attempt at cloning - low temps

    I personally have never cloned marijuana but I have cloned rosemary successfully under a 150w (good distance) LED using root hormone and a humidity dome I would think it's the same
  6. Combatcow

    Is this a sprouting plant?

    Just thought yalls should know she is doing great and strong. Three sprouted shortly after which is strange because one I planted two days after the others but I'm not complaining
  7. Combatcow

    Is this a sprouting plant?

    Thanks a lot I'll try, First time with a sprout
  8. Combatcow

    Is this a sprouting plant?

    Okay thanks! I use a mild fungicide tho and also have oxygen holes in the dome so would that be fine?
  9. Combatcow

    Is this a sprouting plant?

    Haha I like them, I water every now and then just keeping it damp and yes I have a dome over them it also helps
  10. Combatcow

    Is this a sprouting plant?

    Hey guys I'm curious, hoping that one of my plants sprouted. Apologies for the pic quality ;)
  11. Combatcow

    Day 5 of mystery seeds

    They're cute
  12. Combatcow

    Legitimate seeds banks (ship to Cali)

    Hello everyone I am new to this whole thing and screwed up my past grow and I had tons of seeds that refused to germinate. I'm asking for someone to point me to the right direction as far as seed banks go that ship to California. Thanks :)
  13. Combatcow

    Yo combatcow here

    Thanks ;)
  14. Combatcow

    Seed issues

    Good news everyone my real 300w LED grow light came in the mail today maybe it'll help XD
  15. Combatcow

    Seed issues

    Yea it's brutal bud it just feels like a waste of life and energy when you screw up something that going to grow to be a living thing.
  16. Combatcow

    Seed issues

    Thanks for the advice, and yea i have killed some seeds unfortunately and I'm going to practice again with nirvana seeds (blue mystic) to see if I learned anything from my failures. As far as my method goes I tried both the distilled water in a shot glass with darkness and warmth for a little...
  17. Combatcow

    Seed issues

    Rapid rooters hmm I'll give those a shot next attempt
  18. Combatcow

    Seed issues

    Hello everyone! So I ordered 10 white widow X big bud seeds from the attitude seed bank. Got a free sour diesel which germinated well but died because my dumbass put it in miracle grow soil, I now use peat pellets. 6 white widow seeds I also screwed up on in various reasons, I have 4 last resort...
  19. Combatcow

    Yo combatcow here

    What's up guys n gals this is combatcow novice grower looking forward to meeting new people here XD
  20. Combatcow

    And I almost gave up

    I have and they are dead now unfortunately mkst likely because I put in miracle grow soil :s