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    100 Dollars

    How about saving that shit. What is the need to spend? If I had a hundred dollars I'd put it down on my car insurance. But that is just me, I like to spend money in an intelligent way when it comes around.
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    My personal favorite comedian that died too young
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    I need a good movie on netflix instaplay

    cannabineer: It was called "Mischief 3000" These fucking guys were nuts. There was a point where they talked about a "near wreck." I rented it from Blockbuster of all places. Watch that shit, it was the first Gumball that started in New York.
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    Heres to all the cry baby bitches on this forum

    so then whats the point of songs if they are DATED? Songs are timeless bro. It's the message that counts, not the timestamp. If that was the case, then people would stop listening to classic rock. NO?
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    Heres to all the cry baby bitches on this forum

    didnt get that one Beardo
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    I need a good movie on netflix instaplay

    cannabineer, is that same Gumball where those Brits had that 700 hp Evo that spun out at like 180mph and almost wrecked, but then recovered? I remember something about those guys racing another car. I forget.
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    I need a good movie on netflix instaplay

    dirtyBRO, you gotta stop. You're filling up my Nastalgia bar. But seriously, DON'T stop.
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    I need a good movie on netflix instaplay

    NUSKY, I have every episode of Initial D on bootleg dvd. You should watch that shit. I JUST recently caught the movie. But yeah, check out the cartoon. It was really geared toward the Tune-heads out there that know about shifting and drifting and shit like that.
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    Stiff Neck?

    TIME. Alcohol helps, but the pain will subside in 36 hours if you sleep on it right.
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    I need a good movie on netflix instaplay

    dirtyho, I didn't know that was Dave Grohl until two years after I watched that awesome movie.
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    I need a good movie on netflix instaplay

    I shit you not, I actually liked the movie In the Army Now.
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    Yay for alabama

    Wow, haven't heard that one before. DUDE, you got to realize, that at some point the influx for MILLIONS undetected immigrants has a MAJOR IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY, MY TAXES, AND YOUR SHIT OPINION. No offense, but, there comes a point when the economy literally needs to catch up with the...
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    I need a good movie on netflix instaplay

    Yea, true, true. Is definitely classic. In response to bigbilly
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    I need a good movie on netflix instaplay

    Fucking awesome. I got the two-dvd set of that. I saw that shit at the theatre when I was a kid. Very DARK movie, but very good, character driven shit.
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    I need a good movie on netflix instaplay

    Scarface. haha. There are so many better gangster movies out there. "Paid in Full" and Rise of the Footsoldier was fucking gangster. Watch THE REEF. It's not Jaws, it's fucking suspensful. Don't let the cover art fool you.
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    I need a good movie on netflix instaplay

    Rise of the Footsoldier. Bad ass. Watch it. Those other suggestions suck. That's shit everyone has seen. Expose yourself to some foreign ganster movie Funny Games was fucking awesome and creepy. The Air Up There, by far the greatest performance of Forest Whittaker's career...
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    Bitch I Feel Good

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    Bitch I Feel Good

    Nah man. I don't hate him. But you gotta look at it this way... that Saturday Cudi came on stage when GWAR, Deadmau5, the Disco Biscuits, and the Flaming Lips were on their own stages. Not taking anything away from Cudi, but those acts, ESPECIALLY THE FLAMING LIPS doing Darkside of the...