i dont know i dont touch my buds until their done and dry. we will have to wait until their dried and cured. i would imagine they will both be very dense because i used that gravity. but i don't squeeze my buds and break my trics. also i have seen buds before that were solid on the plant but...
good deal brother. smoke on, and let me know how that movie is? i want to see that.
over all that not a bad harvest for a 1st time frig grow. with smaller plant.
time only gets better.
cant wait to see the next grow.
i have the tied up, and she is pretty straight. she wasn't real dry but it must have been just enoff to break the camels back. sometimes its hard to check her since she was in the very back. its weird thought because all of her leaves wernt drooped over? maybe i cought it in time?
i was wonder that? maybe the soil got a little to dry for its liking and the weaker branch gave. i felt the soil is was kinda dry but not bone dry. maybe that one plant is starting to up take more then the others? this is the only thing i could think of. the branch felt all flimsy like it was...
[here are some pics of the fallen plant. the whole plant seems to be doing ok, just the fallen branches don't look like their going to pull threw. two main branches got hurt and allot of bottom branches also got hurt. hopefully those branches will pull threw in a few days. but at least the whole...
ya i hope she dose, you guys light one up for her:joint: at least she wasn't totally on the floor, just my biger bud branches.:cry: least she's still alive, but i am sure this will hurt my yield from a $hit load of stress on her.
today i went into my room with a bad picture. my BD on the PS side that had the biggest buds of all of the plants, had some of my heaviest branches laying on the ground. the main stock was still standing but 4 of my heavy branches folded over with her leaves droped over. i don't know what...
here are the links you can get all the info about these lights.
the 126w plants are monsters real tall/big growth. with alot of bud sites
but the 180w has buds the are filling in more to each bud site at this moment with shorter/small plants.
the 180w started to realy kick into gear the last few days.
i still have about 4 weeks left to harvest.