I don't have a ppm meter so I have no idea. I am using mollases and Botanicare's Pure Blend Pro Grow. I saw the first lady part on #2 last night so next watering I will be using a transition of half grow and half bloom, then onto full bloom after that.
Where is your hot air exhausting? Is it just going into the room or do you have it going into an attic or outside? Also, what is the temperature of the bedroom?
Just read the whole thread and will subscribe for sure. Do you plan on burying the buckets or leave them as they are? Is your plot that secure that you can just leave all these buckets laying around? Anyways, great grow and am excited to see how your autos do outside.
This grow looks awesome. I wish I could do an outdoor grow like that. Will be watching for sure! Good luck and can't wait to see your results in the fall.
On Sunday I took them outside and watered them with nutes. They seem to be loving the nutes and are really shooting out side growth. Enjoy the pictures.
Not much to report. Plants are still doing well and continue to grow. The top of the soil is dry so I will either water with full strength grow nutes today or tomorrow. Thanks for stopping in!
If you have a Magnesium deficiency, another great product is Botanicare's Cal Mag Plus. It is more expensive than using Epsom salts, but it is a good product.