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  1. volcanoOFhistory

    Week 5 flower

    Total. You might get 8-9
  2. volcanoOFhistory

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    These pretty much didn't get you high at all. Next grow same strains from the same seed stock except no fungus gnats and it was pretty good.
  3. volcanoOFhistory

    Autos: Black spots and burning tips and discoloration

    Do you notice any little flies around? I've seen my plants do that with fungus gnat infestations. Their larva will fuck your roots and plants up.
  4. volcanoOFhistory

    Severely drooping plants

    100% too dry
  5. volcanoOFhistory

    My Plants doesnt smell! Help ne Please

    Is this the same guy that had 6x 600 respec boards in a 4x8?
  6. volcanoOFhistory

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    There still need a few weeks... that being said autoflowers are notably weaker than photo plants. And I've definetly had a few autos that looked pretty decent but were straight trash and not worth smoking. I grew some dark devil and sweet skunk once and had a pretty bad fungus gnat infestation...
  7. volcanoOFhistory

    Week 5 flower

    6-7z since they are a bit short
  8. volcanoOFhistory

    Identifying deficiency

    What was it in before you re-potted? How long since you put it in the new pot?
  9. volcanoOFhistory

    Wash Hot Soil

    Just buy a bag of seed starting mix.
  10. volcanoOFhistory

    4k is making my plants look like crap

    The new HLG diablo boards are 4000k and I haven't heard anyone complain about growing under them.
  11. volcanoOFhistory

    Too much or overwater (light green seedling almost yellow?)

    I'd assume that's way too close but I don't have too much experience with LED. I'd have a 400 MH at 48 inches for that size plant.
  12. volcanoOFhistory

    is it nessary to mix anything in pro mix befor you use it.

    Usually you'll mix some of your hot super soil with regular promox for the top 2/3 of the containers soil and put down the bottom 1/3 full strength. Make sure you don't transplant anything too young into a supersoil pot. They need a developed root system In a smaller pot first.
  13. volcanoOFhistory

    Can they be saved?

    They look fine.
  14. volcanoOFhistory

    Led Users Unite!

    Whole lot of water left in buds after a 5 day dry at 62%.
  15. volcanoOFhistory

    Can someone tell me what this is?

    Too much salts in your soil. Cut down on fert.
  16. volcanoOFhistory

    Stupid question

    What toxins are gonna come off Tupperware? It's food grade plastic.
  17. volcanoOFhistory

    Over Watering ?

    Happy frog is an amended soil with fertilizer already in it. I wouldn't be feeding it any extra nutes this early while it's still so small and has access to the fertilizer that already came in the soil.
  18. volcanoOFhistory

    5x5x6 vivosun tent or diy 6x6x6 room?

    That's in the ballpark of what I paid for the 4x4 I just replaced. It was a no name ebay Chinese tent. Still was in great condition except for the front zipper not working at all.
  19. volcanoOFhistory

    5x5x6 vivosun tent or diy 6x6x6 room?

    Yea. I don't really have to worry about light leaks at all really. I just had to replace a worn out cheap tent that lasted about 5 years before the zipper totally blew. I mostly use it because I want reflective walls and am too lazy to frame out rooms ; ). Now I wish I went with the gorilla 5x5...
  20. volcanoOFhistory

    5x5x6 vivosun tent or diy 6x6x6 room?

    The main material is heavy duty and the zippers are the smoothest on any tent I've owned but the vent cover material is pretty crappy and there is pinhole light leaks on all the sewing seams on the vents cinches and light leaks coming through a significant portion of the seam sewing around the...