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  1. djruiner

    Sticky Situation!!!!!!

    here is a tip...get someone else to grow your plants...numerous people have given you a ton of info and ideas...but you seem to not understand.your looking for someone to tell you exactly how to fert your plants...time to start over and learn from scratch.just being honest and real here
  2. djruiner

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    he has posted this same thing in a few other threads...i think someone tripped his retard switch to the ON position.
  3. djruiner

    Introducing AquaPump: the world's 1st smoking pump

    thats because its not a trademarked item...look at the incredipipe...they show in detail with videos and illustrations how their pipe works.but since they paid their fees to trademark and copyright their product...they dont have to worry about showing you how it works
  4. djruiner

    Sticky Situation!!!!!!

    no need to use a high n fert...just one with a good balance...cant go wrong with a 20-20-20..or 2-2-2
  5. djruiner

    herp a derp

  6. djruiner

    Strange Things Growing On My Plant! Help!!!

    no problem at all...i try to help when i can.i wouldn't too much about them for now.and not sure washing them off will work.if they can handle outside conditions of rain and wind...washing them off probably wont work.would have more luck just picking them off by hand then drenching your plant
  7. djruiner

    Strange Things Growing On My Plant! Help!!!

    finding a lot of info on these little critters...turns out people sell them just for people to put in their gardens...might be something i use one day if needed...but *knock on wood* ive never had a bug is a link to a site that pretty much covers everything on them...and how to buy...
  8. djruiner

    Strange Things Growing On My Plant! Help!!!

    i would think as long as you dont have a large number of them then you should be good.i think if you have a lot of them near your plants and they have no other bugs to feed on..then they may start feeding on your plants.if they start to get out of control a few pest strips should take care of them
  9. djruiner

    Strange Things Growing On My Plant! Help!!!

    the only way i think they can be harmful is if your growing males to breed as they eat pollen.but from what im reading they are just as good as lady bugs to have near plants.they seem to take care of many pest that a garden can have...this is a little thing i found on them also.... Green...
  10. djruiner

    Strange Things Growing On My Plant! Help!!!

    here is a link to the site i found that...the images seem to only load on there.....
  11. djruiner

    Strange Things Growing On My Plant! Help!!!

    here ya go..... Green Lacewings Green lacewings are appearing now that aphids and other small soft-bodied insects have been in the landscape for a while. The common green lacewing occurs throughout North America. The light green adult (Image by Steve Bambara) has long, slender antennae...
  12. djruiner

    Introducing AquaPump: the world's 1st smoking pump

    doesn't that defeat the purpose of a bong...fill it with smoke..but dont inhale it?what...was this thing made for bill clinton?
  13. djruiner

    Introducing AquaPump: the world's 1st smoking pump

    send me a free one and ill make you some graphics for your site that dont look like a 4th grader with ms paint made them
  14. djruiner

    How Long should I flush ???

    flush it for however long you want to deprive it of food...or just "leech" it every other watering and not have to deprive it of food at the time it needs it the most
  15. djruiner

    can i top these yet or wait?

    if your looking to top to get 4 colas...i would wait till you get at least 5-6 nodes...then top it above the second node.that gives it plenty of time to develop a good root system and allows for the new growth to start to fill in a lot can do it sooner then that...but its best to wait...
  16. djruiner

    Dj Ruiners New Plans and Ideas for a Grow Closet

    and so it begins...... started cleaning out the closet tonight.have a shelf and a bar to remove and that is going to give me about 6 1/2' of grow height. i was considering getting some poster board to cover the walls on the inside,but thats going to take about $30 bucks just in poster...
  17. djruiner

    Best way to send cash

    box it up and send it to this address.... 600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington D.C., DC 20500-0004 because if you are making all this money legally..its going to go there anyways. now if your making this money illegally and have to come onto a growers forum to find out how to...
  18. djruiner

    Sticky Situation!!!!!!

    that is so far from the truth its not even funny...going by the thread of a random person does not make information true...i saw a guy that said in a thread on here that pissing and jacking off on your plant was a good idea.dont trust everything you see in a forum.and anyone that uses the word...
  19. djruiner

    Is it possible?

    you can wave your internet dick around all you like...i have nothing to prove to you or anyone here...but if the guy wants to half kill his all means he can take your advice
  20. djruiner

    Is it possible?

    didnt feel the need to read all this...knowing most of your info is going to be way off...notice that everyone that followed my comment agreed with let the OP judge who know what they are talking about