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  1. Quiller

    Spider Mites.................. 4 weeks from harvest...

    will the alcohol kill the leaves? that sounds strong enough to damage.
  2. Quiller

    Spider Mites.................. 4 weeks from harvest...

    Crap,. trying to figure out what to do. My indoor grow was doing so well. I check the res last night and 1 plant on the end completely covered in webs, the others near it infected then check for more and find the whole back row infected. I want to salvage everything, 25 mendo purps and 25...
  3. Quiller

    Mendo Purps yellowing and slow growth

    I think it was a little of both, overwatering and nutes too strong. THe little 3" cuttings have blown up to fat 14" bushes and going strong. :) I lowered the ppm's to 800 and only 1 watering per day for 2 minutes. Now that the root balls are expanding they are sucking up more of the...
  4. Quiller

    Mendo Purps yellowing and slow growth

    More of a drip to res hydro setup with cocoa/purlite mix. Using GH nutes and adding CalMag now. I will slow the watering down until the root balls are of sufficient size to suck up more of the moisture and dry out the pots faster. As of now it takes 3 full days to lighten up. Any ideas of a...
  5. Quiller

    What kind of molasses is best for the ladies?

    I need to catch up. What is the purpose of the Molasses? Extra carbs while flowering?
  6. Quiller

    Mendo Purps yellowing and slow growth

    Flooding once a day? With fresh water or from the res? So you don't think it is an over watering situation but more due to Ph and nutes?
  7. Quiller

    Mendo Purps yellowing and slow growth

    These are my Mendo Purps cuttings at about 3 weeks. Running them in cocoa/gold and purlite. Flood and drain to reservoir system with 4 1000watt HPS General Hydroponics nutes, (Lucas Formula) PPM of 750 ph of 6.5 temp at 65-70 F In veg mode now... May be watering too much. this cocoa...
  8. Quiller

    Partners bailed on me so I am on my own :) good ridance

    Going Hydro for the first time and would appreciate any links to threads already covering this setup. 4 1000 HPS cocoa + perlite medium in a flood and drain tables setup 80 gallon res GH nutes 25 blue dream + 25 mendo purps I read that calmag is almost a must with cocoa...... ...
  9. Quiller

    Cuttings not rooting

    Ok, most of them died. From that swollen stalk, roots did start blasting out but only 4 are left. Roots have appeared but now it seems stunted. No change in the last 2-3 weeks. Should I move them to soil now? Change the lights? What should I do now to get them moving forward?
  10. Quiller

    Cuttings not rooting

    Still having a bad time with these cuttings.... No roots, loosing a few to mold. Too much humidity, not enough...
  11. Quiller

    Cuttings not rooting

    are there any nutrients that could help? Clone X? Sprayed on the leaves or soaked into the rockwool?
  12. Quiller

    Cuttings not rooting

    yes...... bad time?
  13. Quiller

    Cuttings not rooting

    Just curious if anyone has any input to this problem. I took fresh cuttings from an indoor purp. Used clone-x solution soaked in the rockwool and cloning gel for the cuttings. It has been 10 days and nothing. I have them in a humidity dome, humid is up in the dome, CFL light on them 18 hrs and...