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  1. Huckster79


    Oh crap, sorry kinda went off threads intended topic, guess i shoukd read the thread before posting. Jk i read it but title still made me think of the u know what. i just couldnt help myself had to get that off my chest.
  2. Huckster79


    My thoughts on sex is i miss it! Used to be real good in that department then she got an IUD for birth control, instantly killed her libido and she bled daily for three months, dont ever let ur woman get one or to you gals google those things before you get one. Tons ofvwomen say samevthing...
  3. Huckster79

    Higher temp at night?

    Per an online calculator if you are 67 w 60% rh w .0098 kg per cubic meter of air of water vaor in that air and all else stays same and u merely raise temp to 77. You would be at an rh of 42 but there still would be .0098 kg per cubic meter of water vapor in air. Oh just increasing air flow...
  4. Huckster79

    Higher temp at night?

    Iv heard, not tried, zero temp diff will make tighter nodes. Also have heard late in flower can cut the aroma due to sugar flow or some damned thing. That one i experienced. I added ac to my room this year. I run warm, mid 80s w co2. I cut that off two weeks or so from harvest. I wanted...
  5. Huckster79

    Whats your soiless recipe?

    Y is my turd grosser than bat shit? Bird shit? This stuff isn't raw, it's a commercial product that cooks the poo go like 1400degrees to turn it into a low odor dry pellet...
  6. Huckster79

    What to do with over grown plants...

    Thank You!!! Yes and no.... GG4 is known for weak branches, I think I exacerbate that with LST so she need lots of support once she gets fat.. So what I did, this is first run with net, when I placed all the bamboo in different directions I put that net over her and fastened it to the bamboos...
  7. Huckster79

    What to do with over grown plants...

    hard to get perspective of canopy as my room in small just a personal mmj grow
  8. Huckster79

    Whats your soiless recipe?

    As we are with guano of animal types too. The stuff is baked off at like 1400 degrees.... not much we eat doesn't have shit in it. Many farm fields are fertilized with septage out of septic tanks. I know a guy that does it for a living. They offer it free to farmers and even apply it for...
  9. Huckster79

    What to do with over grown plants...

    No but I'll get you one tonight. I really believe in LST as you get this broad even, almost scrog like canopy with many tops right out in the light
  10. Huckster79

    What to do with over grown plants...

    make her square! take bamboo or dowels and attach to or drill through the container on top and run them through a couple both directions so from above it would look like a pound sign. You may want to add a diagonal one or two. Tie em down, spread her out and all that lower stuff will come on...
  11. Huckster79

    Whats your soiless recipe?

    promix hp w the good bacteria already in it and a handful of milorganite. then just use a regular nute mix whatever your using. the milorganite is an amazing slow release N and if you only do one application with any veg time its ate up by flower. Its human guano, made from city of...
  12. Huckster79

    Any marijuana growing tips for beginners? Please share your tips

    Don't listen to any advice coming from someone who gets angry at others for doing it the "wrong" way because its not their way... Narrow minds are not good teachers...
  13. Huckster79

    Bringing Down Humidity NO AC

    before I had a dehuey, I rigged a low heat dehumidifier up. It helped, brought me from 70s rh to 60s... in 6x6x7 so a bit bigger but no mass grow. I simply took a 5 gallon bucket, drilled the piss out of it. Lined it with weed block fabric and filled it with lump charcoal (commercial but not...
  14. Huckster79

    super hot flush . 500f hotter the better

    Gentleman, seriously don't try the boiling anal ease!! I brought this up to a buddy he had a friend who tried it had a major time with his poop shoot getting extra stoned and on indicas he pooed his pants and on sativas he blasted the squires hard. Besides that he said the weed ended up...
  15. Huckster79

    super hot flush . 500f hotter the better

    I think this sounds like over medicating and thinking of useful things to do with the grease from making bacon to feed munchies.... not sure what to think of the lucas.... however I admit I flush with boiling KY Jelly, makes the herb's effect on sex amazing! Trying get to talk the GF into...
  16. Huckster79

    Boveda packs

    I'm same way- I like my diy builds... And yes often for fun of it for so,etching I don't really need. Just like the mental stimulation of engineering and building something then using it...
  17. Huckster79

    Boveda packs

    I had a jar I accidently left lid off a few days n shit got crumbly dry... Tossed a sample packet a friend gave me in there- day or two later it was back to normal dryness level- dry but not crumbly
  18. Huckster79

    cooling sealed room on the cheap

    If you say I can get to 95 I may be in ok... I'm mid 80s now I though upper 80s was max for co2....
  19. Huckster79

    Small room watering system for ease

    I have a 6x6 flower room- it gets full in there easy- tough once buds get going to water plants in back without spilling water on buds and even w a watering can with an extension hose it's not all that ergonomic to hold while it empties... So I rigged this simple system it wasn't too expensive...
  20. Huckster79

    cooling sealed room on the cheap

    A window unit air conditioner