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  1. jimmy jones

    Blueberries And Strawberries

    We grow a ton of fruits here. The blueberries are very shallow rooted so I plant mine in/on a mound to make sure they don't drown. I lost two of six last year because we had sooooo much rain that even the mounds flooded. Our strawberries are in a raised bed covered with a net to keep birds off...
  2. jimmy jones

    Do You Stare at Your Plants?

    Yeah I would say I check on my ladies at least 6-8 times a day sometimes for a half hour. Touching,smelling, talking. I have seen the mythbusters about music as well as other studies. Id like to know the science behind this if anyone knows it.
  3. jimmy jones

    What things can I make around my house? or buy to make?

    I did not like my salvia experience. Way too strong and didn't last long enough. Just sniff some cat farts you'll get high as hell.
  4. jimmy jones

    Another effing snow storm!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We got a wicked ice storm today. Power is out right now. Right in the middle of "day" for my girls too!!! Hope it isn't out long. Messing with my light schedule.
  5. jimmy jones

    meeting the parents? Help!

    Well glad it went alright. No wonder they liked you......that weed sounds bomb!!!!!
  6. jimmy jones

    How do i use sucanat(pure sugar cane)???

    I thought I had read that it didn't use it. Maybe I should be using more?
  7. jimmy jones

    meeting the parents? Help!

    I think the tweakers killed him. He had yet to respond lol.
  8. jimmy jones

    hash question...

    Nobody has any input for me?
  9. jimmy jones


    Go pack!!!!!!!!
  10. jimmy jones

    hash question...

    I recently built a hash tumbler and I'm getting close to harvest. I figured since the trim dries quicker than the buds I could just quick dry some of the smaller popcorn buds as well and toss em in with the trim so I have some hash to smoke while the buds dry. Would quick drying effect the...
  11. jimmy jones

    meeting the parents? Help!

    I can't wait to see how it went lol
  12. jimmy jones

    Plant colours!

    Why would u wanna change the color anyway? So u can tell people you have some crazy rainbow weed when u should have put the effort of dying them into growing them properly. Focuse on growing dank buds and the color won't mean two shits to people.
  13. jimmy jones

    In the trees?!!!!

    I have heard of this but never seen it first hand. I would think if u get a dry spell it would be a pain in the ass getting water to them.
  14. jimmy jones

    meeting the parents? Help!

    Hahaha I'm keeping an eye on this one. Meth heads are crazy. If they really smoke meth the only thing u could do to f up their opinion of you would be smoking up their meth lol. Just don't let nobody know what u do and all is well. Oh and EW....teach me lol. How do I get to not have to see the...
  15. jimmy jones

    ....Rollitup REPTILE owners thread....

    We also have three pits. The youngest is from a litter we just had. Best dogs I've ever owned.
  16. jimmy jones

    can you die from shrooms?

    Shrooms are poisonous. Its your bodies reaction to the poison the brings the "trip". Never heard of anyone dying but sure its possible if u eat enough. There is a small music festivle here every year called community fest. Last year a young man stabbed and killed HIMSELF after ingesting too many...
  17. jimmy jones

    ....Rollitup REPTILE owners thread....

    We currently have a ball python and a whites tree frog. The whites will eat pinkies its a crazy thing to watch. Used to own a veiled cham and a burmese python as well. Our garden pond has two red ear sliders that I had in a tank when they were babies and let them out into the pond when the water...
  18. jimmy jones

    Craigslist MMJ sellers, are they legit?

    Yeah I wouldn't trust craigslist.
  19. jimmy jones

    How do i use sucanat(pure sugar cane)???

    Your plant doesn't use the sucanat itself it is simply to feed the good organisms in the medium so that they can break up left over salts from the nutes that are otherwise bad for your plant into smaller usable pieces. I've heard over doing it can gunk up the soil but idk. Might wanna try just...
  20. jimmy jones

    dark period before harvest?

    Ok cool. After a little more reading I don't know if its really worth the time.