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  1. BeaverHuntr

    Don't advertise your meds on CList in AZ!!!

    Indoor top shelf for 5k a peezy??? Yeah thats insane. I have heard of prices like that in the mid west and down south.. far places like Wisconsin will sell peezys for that high but not in the MMJ states.
  2. BeaverHuntr

    Don't advertise your meds on CList in AZ!!!

    I fucking agree to that but who gets to trim? The morons of the MMJ community who will gladly trim for 10 bucks an hour.
  3. BeaverHuntr

    Anozira Employment

    I'm telling you my old dude who was basically a middle man was living pretty well.. The dude was driving a luxury vehicle, shopped at nordstrom , had a membership to massage places, gyms.. He lived very well and all he did was serve a few people dank...
  4. BeaverHuntr

    Home for Rent

    Thats cool shit.
  5. BeaverHuntr

    Anozira Employment

    Middleman being dispensaries. Yeah the middleman make 100% profit for doing nothing
  6. BeaverHuntr

    Don't advertise your meds on CList in AZ!!!

    Yeah man I didnt include grow costs and I would say yes deduct 15%-20%
  7. BeaverHuntr

    Anozira Employment

    A grower with a degree could possibly make 10k more a year than just a regular grower. A grower with a horticulture degree could provide literature and detailed analysis of their grow and understand the complete science behind cultivating anything.
  8. BeaverHuntr

    Anozira Employment

    Thats why I'm trying to compare a MMJ grower to say a cotton farmer's top foreman. I mean those guys take care of acres and acres of cotton plants and lets be honest we all seen those guys and they dont look like they are raking in the dough. Its a good salary none the less but they aint making...
  9. BeaverHuntr

    Don't advertise your meds on CList in AZ!!!

    Even at 2800 hundo a elbow.. 2800 x 2 lbs per month = 5600 5600 x 12 months = 67,200
  10. BeaverHuntr

    Anozira Employment

    I'm just throwing out numbers.. People with college degrees are lucky to have a job that pays 55k - 65k
  11. BeaverHuntr

    Anozira Employment

    Hell yeah it would be a 7 day a week job. Is over time included ? WHo knows. 2,500 per lb sounds reasonable. I mean the dispensary will be like your street dealer and will be able to make a 100% profit selling it for those 60 1/8 , 120 1/4 , 200 1/2 and 400 zip
  12. BeaverHuntr

    Don't advertise your meds on CList in AZ!!!

    If you can pull 2 peezy's a month in a 10' x 10' room then yeah you can make at least a 70k salary but you still have to include grow costs and those add the fuck up! lighting , fertilizers , water , co2 and equipment costs. So yeah if you can pull the 2 peezy's per month then yeah you could...
  13. BeaverHuntr

    Looking for a clone or seeds here in town

    Yeah man why outside?? What about getting bugs all up in your clones for donation.
  14. BeaverHuntr

    Anozira Employment

    A good grower with no real heavy reputation, 40 hour work week and I'm talking your "master chef" of the dispensary ( master chef being the head grower of that dispensary) probably andywhere from 45k-55k a year. And that job probably wont come with insurance nor a 401k . Think about it dude...
  15. BeaverHuntr

    Anozira Employment

    I could see growers like Subcool getting paid a 6 figure salary because of his skill and reputation. his reputation alone would draw patients.
  16. BeaverHuntr

    Anozira Employment

    Yeah dude I cant imagine a grower getting paid a 6 figure salary. Engineers barely make that kind of loot. You can probably make more being a sales rep for a hydroponic nutrient company. Just my take.
  17. BeaverHuntr

    Don't advertise your meds on CList in AZ!!!

    I remember my old dealer who served dank telling me that he did about 10k a month just being a middle man broker. Selling zips at 400 ( before the mmj law in AZ ) dude drove a Jag and was always dressed nice.
  18. BeaverHuntr

    Cannabis Spot Vapor Lounge

    Shameless plug master.
  19. BeaverHuntr

    Don't advertise your meds on CList in AZ!!!

    I have to agree with LV on his comment ( first time for everything) I make way more at my real job versus my 10'x 10' 2000W grow room.
  20. BeaverHuntr

    Air Pots Vs. Regular Pots

    The fabric is called " geotextile" fabric its used in construction for erosion control.