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  1. fatfarmer

    Ways to Increase yield

    OK, I think that is sample.iamm on my 3rd wife ,going on 20yrs now .so what your are saying is "she is a Lady first". Know her wants and needs. And she will Bud!
  2. fatfarmer

    male or female ??

    big plant MorF big plant don't let it fall on you when you cut her/him.
  3. fatfarmer

    Sage n Sour

    :lol: I bet even Bugs Bunny would trade a carrto or 2 for a BUD of her. good job now clock out and ge:bigjoint:t STONED ;-)
  4. fatfarmer

    to catch a theif

    look for the one out of sight for sometime. one who comes over BUZZZZ as hell but has no bud. set bud trap. only time will tell. this guy is a BUM!
  5. fatfarmer

    14 Tons of Pot

    well it could be when he saw the cop he was blocker for the 5 trucks in front of him. 3 trucks pot 2 trucks coke. jokes on them, and the driver back to picking apples.
  6. fatfarmer

    3 days into flower - when will i know sex?

    :leaf: :leaf: in time! now you will learn ways of the cast aways{growers } the fun starts here!
  7. fatfarmer

    What human food can be used in growing?

    :leaf: TGIFF! well looks like you open a can of worms .so lets make this simple. WORMS EAT MY GARBAGE . this is a book you need to buy I"m not a sales men, this gives you step by step way to let the worms do the compost work :lol:. you will need a worm compost ben .lookthese pu on line. these...
  8. fatfarmer

    I Found A Couple Of Balls 18 Days In ****

    90% say males not good. less weight more crap. it's all about the big BUD man. listen and learn!!!
  9. fatfarmer

    HELP! seeds ? sign for it

    buying seeds makes even the good people outlaws. but most people like outlaws better then their
  10. fatfarmer

    Double Harvests/Plants in darkness for last few days...

    now that iam flowering i see there is 999,999. ways to reach my end gold. i'll take #122,450. this one fits my closet.I hope!
  11. fatfarmer

    Good Set up???? (UPDATE & PICTURES)

    don't take it personal,your first is always the most stress. dump the dirt get some good cfls, and try and learn to grow. you can spend less and get more. just keep growing.
  12. fatfarmer

    what the fuck just happened!! my seeds arrived. i think

    i need to order but, how, what, when ,where? home or other? whats the best game plan?
  13. fatfarmer

    Temptation almost got the better of me !

    dude, keep it cool. in todays world we don't won't your record fucked up! or lose you over a buzzzz! take it easy. PEACE!!
  14. fatfarmer

    transplanting into different soil?

    My next mix will start with "PRO MIX". i will need to go to co-op and its $30 for 3 qb ft. bail, you will not run out soon but i use it for all my plants in-out doors. but the day you transplant, mix HOT water with it and let set with top over it .DON'T OVER WATER! get the mix not dry but not...