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  1. pressDUCK

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    Ok, thinking about this more, I'm fairly convinced you have 'shop lights' right? The ballast on top of the light with the bulb hanging under them with a reflector between the light and the ballast. That explains the whole --- vs | thing. Don't be afraid to rerun the wires in that puppy...
  2. pressDUCK

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    you will be disappointed with the yield of 20-30 plants with just a 600 watter. Generally, a prime grow will yield around 2 oz per 100 watts of light. With a 600 watter maybe you should look at growing 2 or 3 plants in a screen-of-green (scrog) setup. If you want massive amounts of plants...
  3. pressDUCK

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    Most often bulbs are held in a horizontal position, Vertical light is for for secondary side lighting. The sun works quite well with plants growing towards it... Hanging only one light vertically would seem a waste of light to me. I don't see why a cool tube could not be hung vertically...
  4. pressDUCK

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    Thanks, Houston. I've scoured around and have seen no diy light movers ever come to light (bad pun) either. Someone needs to get working plans up and about. You wouldn't think it would be that damned hard... Anyways, Grindin Grinder, the rule of thumb I've seen tossed about is a max of...
  5. pressDUCK

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    Hi guys, I'm setting up a little grow inside to accompany my outside plans. I have 500 sq feet of mylar and am looking at attaching it to thin wood panels so as to be able to move them and reuse them easily. I only have a 400 watt mh/hps and to maximize the light I was thinking of placing a...
  6. pressDUCK

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    Here's some nice info by a grower far more advanced than I (from the Overgrow FAQ): Contributed by: Leaf A lot of the times I turn the existing soil without adding much to it, and have an excellent crop, but some sites need soil improvements. This FAQ will outline how to prepare and enrich...
  7. pressDUCK

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    In his absence I can say with relative certainty that Masterofgenetics would probably recommend coconut fiber. He has mentioned it several times in this thread and if you check out his pics you can see that he is growing in it. I found some more info in this thread...
  8. pressDUCK

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    One option people have done is to grow inside of an empty computer case. You could keep in the power supply and use it to power fans a couple fans to keep the box cool and help the stems grow strong. Maybe put in a couple of 75 watt bulbs, you could probably fit in 3 or more compact...
  9. pressDUCK

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    Metal is an good conductor of heat, but it holds heat even better. A simple solution would be to place some fans pointed at the outside of the box. This will convect heat away from the box. I would imagine if you hold your hand near the outside of the box, the air would feel quite warm, the...
  10. pressDUCK

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    Hi there Master O'G Ok, so I've got seeds of 5 strains to grow (will start first days of may after I move out in the styx) Mostly will be outdoor grow for yield's sake. I have most of what I need to a hydro setup (probably will need some more wattage). I am looking at using a 10.3 gallon...
  11. pressDUCK

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    pH Down: Acid formulated using food grade Phosphoric acid. Just add a little at a time if your nutrient pH is too high in order to lower the pH to the proper level. pH Up: Base formulated using Potassium Hydroxide and Potassium Carbonate. Add a little at a time if your nutrient pH is too low...
  12. pressDUCK

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    Contributed by: Dowzer Submitted: June 23, 2003 How can I raise or lower the pH of my soil mix? Growing in soil and adjusting pH levels A lot of gardeners have trouble with the pH of their soil. A high pH can lock out needed nutrients and mimic other problems like Fe and Mg...
  13. pressDUCK

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    Contributed by: bald1 Submitted: January 9th, 2005 How to test the pH of your soil mix Measuring the pH of soil is just as important as with hydro applications, but few people know how to test soil pH to see if it is within the optimum range for growing robust healthy plants. Here I...
  14. pressDUCK

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    Don't quote me cause I am NUB. Mainly talking out my ass here, but do you really need the airstones? Last year I was preparing to set up a dwc hydro and had gone the route of a power head (water pump) with a venturi attachment. When the venturi was hooked up the amount of oxygen bubbles in...
  15. pressDUCK

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    Thanks for the info on teas, I've read up some on this and it would seem that many of the pricey organic nutes could be duplicated for next to nothing. Maybe with fewer exotics, but all the basics could be covered relatively easily. I live in a farm-centric areas and compost and alfalfa is...
  16. pressDUCK

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    It's me again, master o'g You seem hooked on teas. Do you make your own mix or would a comercial one such as AN Mother Earth Blah Blah Whatever work just as well. I have a short attention span and playing mad scientist mixing dead worms and bat shit really isn't my cup of tea. Heee, I made...
  17. pressDUCK

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    Evening, Master O'G In your experience, what would be the best off the shelf nutes for outdoor plants? I've seen some mention of time release nutes in this post, are they just for lazy people or are they on par with 'normal' nutes? Also, you (seem to) keep saying to let plants nearly die...
  18. pressDUCK

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    Hi again Master O'G I see from your pics that you grow (at lease some) in soil. You've also said you don't use a ppm meter. When I feed my outdoor plants I will be using water from a stream. Do I need to res the water and mix it with nutes (planning on fox farm) or can I add nutrients on...
  19. pressDUCK

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    Hi, thanks for the response. After seeding my clones, I want to reveg them as mother plants. -Would these have issues with taking clones from? Weird hormone problems or something? -When revegging, how aggressive should I be with cutting them back? Thanks!