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  1. Bobotrank

    Club 600

    Thanks Dropa :) That BHO oil you made looked pretty awesome, too... I'm assuming it's amazing? Enjoy brotha
  2. Bobotrank

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    The troops have been responsible for bringing in very large quantities in the past. Take, for example, the CIA shipping large, LARGE amounts of cocaine (and heroine) on military aircraft back to the United Rapes-- I mean, STATES. Eh hem. We're talking kilos and kilos and kilos. They did it...
  3. Bobotrank

    Club 600

    Thanks DST! She's peaking out at'cha;) Lil stinker lol
  4. Bobotrank

    Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

    lmfao you guys always have me rollin' in here. top of the morn to ya, las! Nice work on the new secret jardin. . . they are the bomb, ain't they? shyt... fookin' dog won't leave me alone. looks like it's doo doo time. peace bro!
  5. Bobotrank

    Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

    Black Sour Bubble... it looks dreamy, eh? :)
  6. Bobotrank

    Club 600

    6 weeks flower, ya say? Well I'll be... Today is the 6th. Today is also exactly 6 weeks flower for my cheesey girls. And ya'll know what?!? We be 600! Fuck yeah. Bud pr0n! Cheers 600 ;) :peace:
  7. Bobotrank

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    Top of the mornin' Donnie! Your garden is lookin awesome man :) Everyone is right, too-- those dogs are gonna be wild animals. Do do you do mainly super cropping, or regular cropping? I can't remember what I've seen you do more of... and what you've said is most successful for you. off to...
  8. Bobotrank

    Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

    Dude, you're using Elmer's Glue in your nute line up, too?! lmao I've found it really bulks up the buds-- make em real sticky, but I don't like to tell people I use it, either :lol: It'll just be our little secret ;)
  9. Bobotrank

    Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...

    Thanks you guys! All the help you've been giving me certainly hasn't gone to waste.:) Still could take off some more foliage lol . . . but def gonna have a bigger harvest than last time with all the topping I've done, and they really like the Molasses, too, HC ;) I missed what happened to...
  10. Bobotrank

    Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...

    Week 6 update. . . Organic Cheese. Oh, and in other news... so I went out of town this weekend, and we had my wife's friend staying at the house. I asked him if he could check the c4 x caseyband seedlings and see how they were doing one day while we were gone. Thinking that he would ask...
  11. Bobotrank

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Damn son. . . that thing looks mental (specially w/ some nuts concentrates) . . . she'd be hard to part with!
  12. Bobotrank

    Club 600

    :fire: JEEZUS! Scorcher today much? Foook . . . stay cool, bro ;)
  13. Bobotrank

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Shyza Gnomer, I wish I woulda known . . . sounds very interesting... but alas, my order's been placed, and my SG is on it's way. I will definitely check into that hops inline tho. Have you posted pics of that Toro on this thread?
  14. Bobotrank

    Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...

    Thanks Donnie ;) Yeah, did another run of hash that came out even better than the first, and I've still got enough for another small one, too :) That stuff is bomb... helps get me to sleep. Or just rrrrreal baked lol. Sounds like you had yourself a good holiday over there in Greece. Would...
  15. Bobotrank

    Organic Bud Porn ~2011 Kick Off

    Bam! Bumpidy! Best yet... Fooooook me. Seriously. Wow. :peace:
  16. Bobotrank

    Organic Bud Porn ~2011 Kick Off

    D, Did u say ur getting rootbound in smart pots? I thought that was impossible, or is it bc they are entangled in eachother? Awesome grow, btw... :peace:
  17. Bobotrank

    Organic Bud Porn ~2011 Kick Off

    So what's the story w the midnight kush? You all seem to be foaming over her (and for good reason, she's a beaut) but why else?
  18. Bobotrank

    Hawaii Growers

    Havent heard of it, but brah, I like see some! Don't forget pictures ;)
  19. Bobotrank

    Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

    Nice! Doing a big clean is often very rewarding... More so than real work sometimes. Yeah, we work hard-- too hard, really, and are trying to find another way. You know the drill, tho. These changes can be slow, and take lots of planning. That's about what I was thinking re stretch factor...
  20. Bobotrank

    Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

    Hey hEy brosef! Hope ur having urself a nice holidaze;) Me and my lady snuck off for a couple days of r and r. Gotta have that :) man ur ladies are looking treat, too. I'm gonna have to sneak back in ur thread and revisit ur soil mix-- but will go easy on the Alaskan amendments ;) I think I'm...