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  1. greenfarmer2high

    Help me grow

    so for a 3ft area say 8 ft high how many and at what wattage should i get my lights
  2. greenfarmer2high

    Help me grow

    its a small closet id say 6 ft across i wanna split it in half if possible and i heard of putting aluminum foil or something reflective on the walls to help with the lighting but i just wanna no my options of lighting
  3. greenfarmer2high

    Help me grow

    ive been reading lots of shit but id rather hear from people than a text....diff people could do dif things and i want ideas bro.
  4. greenfarmer2high

    Help me grow

    What is the best light set up i can have to get the most bud......:leaf:
  5. greenfarmer2high

    is HerbiesHeadShop reliable

    :leaf:i was wondering if anyone had purchased seeds from HerbiesHeadShop and if they were worth the money. or if anyone has a good site to get them off of that ships to the us
  6. greenfarmer2high

    Growing silver haze or white widow

    is herbiesheadshop reliable?
  7. greenfarmer2high

    Sick of Being Single, Need a Chic Who's Cool with my Grow.

    well ive got seeds and im sure i could show you a thing or two........hahha:)
  8. greenfarmer2high

    Sick of Being Single, Need a Chic Who's Cool with my Grow.

    the grow im starting is white widow.....your my type already hahah
  9. greenfarmer2high

    Sick of Being Single, Need a Chic Who's Cool with my Grow.

    upgrade to me im starting a garden you can help! haha
  10. greenfarmer2high

    Growing silver haze or white widow

    well i have a closet to grow in and my budget id say id like to spend no more than 150 on supplies excluding seeds since ive already got them. i would like to grow 2 or 3 plants more if possible but i dont want it to be extremely obvious that im growing. My main thing thou is ive read up on it...
  11. greenfarmer2high

    Growing silver haze or white widow

    ahh i see. thanks for the help...if anyone has any tips or reccomendations on what i should do id love to hear them
  12. greenfarmer2high

    Growing silver haze or white widow

    so you arent even putting a light on it or are you growing outdoors
  13. greenfarmer2high

    Growing silver haze or white widow

    how much are they? i found a site where u can get 12 feminized seeds for like $30 it says they are norm lik 149 its some sale or some shit
  14. greenfarmer2high

    Growing silver haze or white widow

    what do you use to grow it in just normal fert. and do you add anything special? what watt light do you use.first time growing im trying to get it right
  15. greenfarmer2high

    Growing silver haze or white widow

    First i would like to know which am i better off growing silver haze or white widdow:leaf:? Which could i sell for more money and which is more enjoyable to smoke. Which is easyest to grow