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  1. DesertSativa

    Anybody Grow Kaya?

    I haven't but it has been a plant I have always wanted to grow. It would be a perfect Outdoor where I live. Tolerates heat very nicely.:joint:
  2. DesertSativa

    Mandala Seeds Sadhu Grow

    Alright eager subscribers, the update you have been waiting for anxiously. The little sadhu's are perking up some after the neep oil problem. Also, there is a chance during my worring about the neep damage I gave them too much fertalizer and that was contributing to the leaf curl. So I poured...
  3. DesertSativa

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    On a related subject, has anyone burnt their plants by over foliar feeding? Assuming the mixture was correct, just too many sprays?:peace:
  4. DesertSativa

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    Can Neighbors see your porch? If not, you could put a few CFLs really close to them as well to supplement.:peace:
  5. DesertSativa

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    Yes, might as well give them more support.:peace:
  6. DesertSativa

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    Since you attached a picture of you having fun with your friends, I will help you. Pzoxic can be reaches at 016-782-1988 and whatever 혹시 연락가능하면 연락부탁해 means. He is starting to grow in Korea and I am sure...
  7. DesertSativa

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    Sorry friend, not trying to steal your thunder, but we all believe in good vibes but good vibes can only go so far when the conditions are inadequate.:peace:
  8. DesertSativa

    Learn from my mistake...

    A mixture of bleach, amonia, and diesel fuel. I heard it makes females.:hump: Actually, just store bought neem oil spray. I did spray the fuck out of them so I am not too surprised. I an not worried, Mandala's strains are known for their ability to take a licking and keep on ticking.:peace:
  9. DesertSativa

    Learn from my mistake...

    Hello everyone, I have some pepper plants in my garden and noticed there were a shit load of white flies on it and other bugs underneath the leaves so thinking I was being proactive, I sprayed my plants and the peppers. The peppers look great but look at my plants! Damn it. I am confident...
  10. DesertSativa

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    What direction do the monkey's face when they are on the porch? If they face north northwest or northeast you don't have a good porch. Northwest could be fine during the main part of the summer, but in the fall it will be shady alot.
  11. DesertSativa

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    Get a fucking life and a sense of humor.
  12. DesertSativa

    my tie down

    Why do you think there is a problem?
  13. DesertSativa

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    By cat do you mean you; and by tail do you mean your penis?:hump: 'Cause I heard that increases chances of the plants being a female.:joint::mrgreen:
  14. DesertSativa

    Growing in my backyard.

    Those maple trees are everywhere in the north west. Pretty much a landscaping staple. I had a girlfriend at one time that had a nice backyard but wasn't that bright. The plants were vegging on the back porch and she let the neighbors come over to mow the lawn. On my way home when she...
  15. DesertSativa

    Questions About The Pot Choppers

    Just like every type of light has a specific spectrum, every plant has a specific IR scan similar to a fingerprint. Unfortunatley for us, science has been able to produce a device with the sensitivity to pick up slight differences between plants. If you think about it, what plant has buds like...
  16. DesertSativa

    plant later, smaller plants bud sooner?

    Yes, you will have plants that go straight into flower but depending on where you live, if it gets cold, the buds won't be ripe until too late. Why would you do this? if you can't plant until just, get a quick auto.
  17. DesertSativa

    A good picture for all those soil snobs

    You are right, it is young. Actually, it is older than that and other plants in good soil are doing much better. I just threw this up here for those growers who have only seeds sun and water. It can be done, but if you can make it better, than why not?:joint:
  18. DesertSativa

    A good picture for all those soil snobs

    The soil here sucks, when I plant in the ground I need to excavate the clay and rocks out first and then backfil with good shit. Well, I had a bucket of the horrid soil and rocks and though I would put a seedling in there for fun. I have only given it water and even then, barely any. Looks...
  19. DesertSativa

    Mandala Seeds Sadhu Grow

    Hi everybody! Here are some pictures of today!:peace: I got some neem oil so that should help the little bugs. They haven't done any damage, but I have seen them on my pepper plants and don't want them to move out of their apartment and buy a condo on my sadhu.:joint: