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  1. 1993stoner


    Day 3 Watered for the first time. This morning with some walmart bottle water. Its looking a bit bigger than day two. If I look real close I can see the second set of leaves. Stay veery high
  2. 1993stoner

    Quick fix 57-1 review 2012

    I don't really know what the place was called but I do know it was sent to a lab so I'm guessing quick fix will pass any drug test. I see no reason why it wouldn't. Good luck dude.
  3. 1993stoner


    Day 2 Looking exactly the same as day 1.
  4. 1993stoner

    Now this is what I call a BUZZZZZZ.

    I also don't believe it ran him over. Lol. There's just no fucking way you can get ran over by a train and not wake up. I can't believe anyone would actually believe that. But it is possible that he could have been just laying down flat between the two rails. That's as far as it gets though...
  5. 1993stoner


    My bad dudes. This is white widow not northern lights.
  6. 1993stoner


    Ahaahaha! Fail right from the start?! Ahahaha. That fucked up all the knowlegde I could have gotten from you. Douche, watch and see if it fails me.
  7. 1993stoner


    Day 1 Just sprouted. Life is just beginning for her.
  8. 1993stoner


    What's up stoners. Damn I fucked up my last grow and now I'm back tryin again. This time with no nutes. This is basically me seeing if I can get a seed to give me bud. I will be growing northern lights. Doing a 12-12 lighting from start to finish. With two 100 wat cfls. Sub up and be amused...
  9. 1993stoner

    Please delete my acount.

    But what if it links back to me somehow
  10. 1993stoner

    Im 14

    Yeah I lied about my age guys, I'm 14.
  11. 1993stoner

    Please delete my acount.

    ^^^^maybe.idk. I think so. Haha. Lol. Whooooo!!!!!!!
  12. 1993stoner

    Please delete my acount.

    Yeah I lied about my age guys, I'm 14.
  13. 1993stoner

    Please delete my acount.

    PLEASE DELETE THIS ACOUNT. April I think is the moderater. Please delete this acount.
  14. 1993stoner

    Lol idk dude

    Lol idk dude
  15. 1993stoner

    What u mean

    What u mean
  16. 1993stoner

    Pot brownies in prison.

    Damn. I thought it was a good idea.
  17. 1993stoner

    Pot brownies in prison.

    Would the fuzz know if brownies had pot in them? I just told my girl that if I ever get caught up I want her to make me pot brownies
  18. 1993stoner

    Quick fix 57-1 review 2012

    Just got called today for an oriantation. So quick fix does work. Stay high stoners
  19. 1993stoner

    Im just a teenager growing pot.

    Yeah I'm suprized it wasn't a vulgar coment haha. Yeah it sucks. Bad feeling to see it die like this all because of a stupid simple mistake. If I would have just read a little more this probally wouldn't have happened.
  20. 1993stoner

    Im just a teenager growing pot #2

    Here's a pic. Believe it or not its close to two months old.