Mr. Sticky Thumb, I know you're not going to leave until you're so humiliated that you will actually shut up. Here's the goods on why you're brand new and refuse to admit this.
Posted by Mr. Sticky thumb 6-7-10. "please tell what you think about plant" - Doesn't sound like you're a pro buddy...
You made your worst plant your forum avatar? Sure. . .allright. Dude, give it up. You've been curbstomped. I read a bunch of people on grasscity think you're awesome, you should go join there. You could even give up posting on RIU all together!
Man, I just had something more scathing typed up but if he understands this shit one day he'll probably hang himself to further human evolution. Never mind reproduction, his presence weakens peoples genetics. There I go again, I just deleted a bunch of that crap!!
Wow, know how those crazy people throwing their own shit are so insane they don't realize they're crazy? I don't think you understand your own mental limitations following the same analogy.
Allow me to quote the words of the great Al B Fuct in his thread "how not to grow dope". This is my...
That spindly stretched piece of shit? You're this proud of those 5th grade training bra buds? Cross bred? More like you can't sex a plant and pollinated by accident. It looks like a mediocre first grow. My first grow I got over a quarter pound off my single plant, but I still didn't tout it as a...
I'm just going to type my usual PM here. I'm sick of trying to remember how to type your screenname mkmkli49, I'm calling you micky from now on.
I started to jump all over this question "Think I should start em on bloom fert or like stay with veg fert and work the bloom fert in there?"...
Don't worry about the smell so much, latex paint is water soluble and won't hurt anything. Latex paint will feel. . . soft-ish while its still wet. Once it feels like a regular painted wall its dry.
Yeah, he bought the paint. . . . . but if someone already buys a halogen lamp to grow with it doesn't mean they shouldn't buy something else.
Edit* - I'm guessing that post could seem a little snarky if mis-read. Not hating doc, hakuna matata
I'd suggest flat white latex paint versus a spray can. Spray paint tends to be pelletized on the walls, staying semi-rough where latex paint will go on smooth as butter on a bald monkey.
Latex is water based and non-toxic to plant life. I'd not use spray but whatever.