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  1. GrizzlyAdams

    Help ID'ing something on my plants? (Pics)

    Sup. Do they move around or stay still?
  2. GrizzlyAdams


    Spray your plants and surrounding area with a 50/50 water ammonia solution. It will fry their balls out their asses.
  3. GrizzlyAdams


    You can flower whenever your heart desires man, as long as you have a photoperiod seed. Autoflowers you have no control, they're just going to do their thing. You can veg for a week, you can veg for 6 months, totally up to you. At some point the plant is going to hit its max height because of...
  4. GrizzlyAdams

    You'll have to flower early because of the height of the widow unless you whup their ass with...

    You'll have to flower early because of the height of the widow unless you whup their ass with some pruning to slow em down. You're looking at a 4 plants in that space. Plants like to have the same amount of mass above and below ground. If they'd fit wadded up into your containers, thats...
  5. GrizzlyAdams

    Question on peat pots

    Excellent to hear about transplants, I can confirm that peat pots dry out soil very quickly. I lost about 15 babies to that crap, done germing a ton of times, wasn't expecting it, BOOM!
  6. GrizzlyAdams

    Best damn tips you can get.i promise

    Google between two ferns
  7. GrizzlyAdams

    Duel CFL broke, repost

    Too funny. Rofl @ cruzer with the blue team comment, I laughed out loud. Lady, I made 2 posts that were even able to be considered rude. Show me a totally unhelpful post and I'll buy you a candy bar. Yeah, I got cranky, who doesn't? I know my shit and help plenty of people and don't really feel...
  8. GrizzlyAdams


    Looks okay to me. We're not shooting for perfection, we're shooting for some mary jane. P.S. Flower any time you want, I'd support it.
  9. GrizzlyAdams

    ladybugs vs. spidermites

    This. blah for minimum post.
  10. GrizzlyAdams

    not bugs, but definately pests Deer and raccoons HELP!!!Plants GONE

    Deer fencing comes in black and its not very heavy. If you're growing in thicker woods it shouldn't be very visible. The top of deer netting is supposed to curve outwards and down so its not 7 feet high, more like 5.
  11. GrizzlyAdams

    Whats eating my plants?

    I'd do a caterpillar and slug check
  12. GrizzlyAdams

    Should my plants be flowering already?! dammit...

    If you have budding with constant light, your hybrid definitely has the ruderalis phenotype from the autoflower. Its going to do its own thing for certain, just make sure you keep checking it for being done. God only knows when its going to finish so you'll have to watch. If you can swing the...
  13. GrizzlyAdams

    cloning advise needed

    You can flower whenever you want. If the plant has tightly packed internodes, expect them to double in size. If you have stretching issues, expect less.
  14. GrizzlyAdams

    Humidity DOME +rep for help

    Just so you have a little more clarity amidst this sea of chaos thats newbie central. . .I'll reiterate no dome. You're cool dude.
  15. GrizzlyAdams

    Duel CFL broke, repost

    Hello self-proclaimed bossy know it all chick. Why don't you shut your face until you're on the forums for awhile? I'll tease him if I feel like it, he already got his answer, from cruzer nonetheless. HES BEEN HELPED! You can hold on to your two cents next time, I got plenty of pennies.
  16. GrizzlyAdams

    aluminum foil ?

    How reflective are they? You have a percent or just saying that because they're shiny? From what I've found, emergency blankets are as much a waste as tin foil. You can buy industrial grade insulation vermiculite for way cheaper than horticultural vermiculite. . . . for the love of christ. White...
  17. GrizzlyAdams

    HELP my noob grow PLEASE

    Heehee. Sup noob. I started helping a guy out who was growing in totes. If you actually want to have a better box give his journal a read. Totes aren't my first choice, or my second. . . or my third, but this a deece setup...
  18. GrizzlyAdams

    aluminum foil ?

    Yeah, because a $3 can of flat white paint is too much trouble. Fail.
  19. GrizzlyAdams

    will my clones grow???

    Exact. Roots. Visible. Half is not a noun. Sturdy. I am. Know. Gotten. Have not grown/haven't grown. You type like a dropout. Try 1 plant first Mr. Newton, not 50. You may want to include a picture and information next time you ask a question. From your post I could assume you're attempting to...
  20. GrizzlyAdams

    Duel CFL broke, repost

    It probably broke during the battle between the CFLs. Did they fight at dawn this morning? Maybe you shouldn't let them fraternize with women CFLs while they're drinking, it usually leads to duels. Dual: 1 of grammatical number : denoting reference to two 2 a : consisting of two parts or...