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    First AeroGarden Grow!

    As of today I have one is the plant on the far right.. I'd post pics but the camera i am using can't focus good enough to get the details. I'll have to wait until i can get my girlfriends camera from whereever it is..i searched the whole house and nothing.. There is two tiny pistols...

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    okay you all seen the pics i posted yesterday, well i added more nutriets yesterday, I also added more purified water.. The plants took a liking to it and had a shocking overnight growth spurt, I about shit my pants when i seen how much they grew! hopefully it means they are kicking into...

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    12/12 for about 3 weeks only did 1 week of veg so it was very minimal. Temps are and humidity are phenominal. I do not know the pH i do not have a meter, I bought one and it constantly read "6.9" so i took the piece of shit back. I need to invest into a digital meter. I am trying to keep...

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    Alright so it's a few weeks. The three remaining plants have developed a substantial root system and have now began to grow nicely. I still have the tall ass one I plan on supercropping it tomorrow, I have had them in 12//12 so I can keep them as small as possible. I have been refilling the AG...

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    I agree, I have this in a wood enclosure but have no issues with mold or high humidity, I have the AG in side of a wood cab then inside of a white foam enclosure to keep in light. I also have circulating air constantly. So the chance for mold to develop especially inside the foam is unlikely. I...

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    I vegged for 1 week and have been 12/12 for 3 weeks. pictures of my plants in a minute.

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    Alright so we are in week one of 12/12, I only vegged for about 1 week from sprout. The largest plant just happened to root out and sprout faster than all the other plants even though they were all germinated in a paper towel at the same time and one of those plants was a transplant. So I have...

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    alright everyone i will have an update with pictures this evening.

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    I did germinate in a paper towel, it's just for some reason the tap root didn't want to tap into the sponge. How did you get a 3.5ft plant when the lights only go about 1.5ft?

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    that's nice bro, I like that setup

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    Ok as of this morning here are the two plants that sprouted. They are doing well, I also took pictures of some other seedlings I started in dirt just in case this AG thing doesn't work out. For some reason the other two seeds have sprouted but still haven't made it above the pod yet, or really...

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    Anyone find any information regarding the stock AG bulbs and if they are full spectrum, the reason I would like to know is because if it isn't full spectrum then I am going to modify the AG hood to run on standard socket cfls and try to pack some red spectrums in there with more wattage hopefully.

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    I have grown herbs in the AeroGarden previously and did not have it confined, I found minimal white mold under the pods near the roots but it did not spread. I also did not have adequate air movement to prevent the growing of mold, I would just watch your temps and humidity to make sure it isn't...

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    The AG bulbs in the hood are 26W ea, which makes it 52w total.. Does anyone know if AG bulbs(The flat ones) are full spectrum? on the AG website the replacement bulbs for my AG are full spectrum but it says nothing about it in my instructions. I assume thry are full spectrum since they are...

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    Hello All! This is my third grow overall, my first using the AeroGarden, my first two grows are on the forum from awhile back. Specs: -Best bagseed I've ever had. I've had great success growing with bagseed.. -AeroGarden SpaceSaver 6 -24hr Timer with figure 8 Power Cord to control AG...

    Aerogarden 3 Elite Grow Project

    I just setup my first aerogarden grow and I am considering modifying the light hood to standard sockets so I can put warm CFLs with more lumens, all I know is that the aerogarden bulbs are 26w each but they seem to be blue spectrum to the eye, although on some websites it says the aerogarden...

    New Grow, old grower, few questions..

    Sounds good I think that is what I will do, I was just concerned about a 250w hps non cooled being too hot in a small area and causing the temp to be too hot for the plant?

    New Grow, old grower, few questions..

    Ok so I moved out on my own and want to grow some plants this time its not at moms house when I was 18, so I just want a small stealth grow probably start out with 4 plants and end up with one decent one or two small ones. The only problem is that I live in an apartment so I need something...

    Growing in an Apartment

    so as along as I had an intake and an filtered exhaust i would be fine, if it was locked, I mean it can't take that long to veg and flower, You think I can just start out 12/12 and get it flowered in about two months? Because if i start it soon pest control will come and I can just tell them to...

    Growing in an Apartment

    appreciate it, if anyone else has any thoughts or suggestions it would be appreciated