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  1. OZUT

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    You don't get it.....If you have to use 64 plants to get that much than yeah, that's not too good. That's why I said you're letting the grams per watt calculation fool you. I can put 1,000 plants in my bedroom and just use my 8 recessed lights, then claim I got 200 grams per watt (or whatever...
  2. OZUT

    Nute Shoppping???????

    I use H&G but if you're looking for something just for that 1 plant and just for yourself, don't spend a lot on a line up. go with Roots Organic...1 quart of Buddha Grow for Veg and 1 quart of buddha bloom for flower. Also get a quart of Trinity to supply your micro needs. During flower you...
  3. OZUT

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    Pruning isn't removing fan leaves and not touching the bud sites. The concept of pruning is removing the small fruit for the benefit of the larger one. Again, cutting fan leaves is not pruning. By cutting fan leaves, you're not redirecting anything, you're handicapping. Take any fruit tree for...
  4. OZUT

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    Exactly!!!! But there's nothing proven that removing leaves increases production other than "claims" by average growers...However, there's a ton of info that proves leaving the leaves increases production and not just claims and theories by growers. Outdoors, it would be silly to touch them...
  5. OZUT

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    You're pulling weight because of the number of plants you have. Assuming you have 1,000 watts over that tray and assuming you're pulling 1.5 grams per watt as you said, that's 1,500 grams out of 64 plants, which is 23.4 grams per plant and 3.3 pounds total out of 64 plants. Not really the best...
  6. OZUT

    Seen many posts flaming Advanced Nutrients.Anyone had good or better than good result

    Problem people have with AN is the price and not necessarily the quality. And the reason they're prices are so jacked is because they separate everything into a separate item. Take their beneficials...They separated it into Phirana and Tarantula...Which is bullshit...Great White is a lot...
  7. OZUT

    Denser buds?

    Don't wait for the plants to reach the light, start off with the light about 8-12 inches from the plant and keep moving up as the plant grows. If the light is far from the plants, they'll stretch towards the light and node spacing will be longer. Also, 3 inches may be a little too close...
  8. OZUT

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    You 2 are talking about 2 completely different grows. UB is right in that you ARE doing more harm than good....Dlively is talking about a SOG setup. In SOG, you don't just take out the fan leaves but you trim out the bottom of the plant for the simple fact that you ARE crowding the plants...
  9. OZUT

    I'm Not F%ckin' around with This Hash Thing Anymore

    how much dried trim/bud did you start with?
  10. OZUT

    Emabaressing question-

    HAHAHHAHAHA Get a water pump, however long of a 1/2 inch hose you want ($.40 a foot) and get a wand. It'll cost you no more than $30...attach the hose to the pump and the other end to the wand (which is usually about 3 feet long....
  11. OZUT

    First Grow. 12 Ounces dried. Lots of Pics

    They're trouble----->Spider mites...With 2 weeks to go till harvest, you don't have to worry too much. You can't use sprays and Neem and pretty much anything else right now but you could constantly spray them with jets of cold water in a sprayer. When you're done with your harvest, disinfect...
  12. OZUT

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    haha....It changes every week. The European feed chart states what your EC should be after adding the base but I haven't seen it on the US one. Here's a link for it and it's not too different from the US chart
  13. OZUT

    First Grow. 12 Ounces dried. Lots of Pics

    I'm thinking your grow room tempts aren't that high so just use the grow room for a week after harvest to dry in there where things are controlled.
  14. OZUT

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    Actually this isn't correct. Once you chop, the plant's done. Your buds aren't going to continue developing off of the stored nutes in the leaf. The change in color you're seeing is the chlorophyl breaking down. I normally trim off the bottom 1/3 about a week or 2 into flower because...
  15. OZUT

    Is my light to close?

    Look for bleaching....Even though it's not burning the tops, you might end up bleaching it and you might cause the bud to foxtail. Happened to me a while back....Was trying it out and had it less than 2 inches from an air cooled 600....They foxtailed and got bleached from the light
  16. OZUT

    First Grow. 12 Ounces dried. Lots of Pics

    You know that the limit was taken out a couple of months ago right? Now it's defined as a reasonable amount
  17. OZUT

    Root Clone Test - pictures

    Scribed to read later
  18. OZUT

    Would you call the cops if you had a couple of plants stolen

    Okay, for those that said they would call the cops....(1) What would you expect to gain from calling the cops and (2) Is it worth it for them to know about your garden?
  19. OZUT

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    All I said is this is about to get interesting. I didn't say anything about pruning or not pruning
  20. OZUT

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    This should get interesting.