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  1. volcanoOFhistory

    PLEASE HELP! How does the Scrubbing Technique work?

    Yes.You can do the same thing with a carbon filter...Just dont vent it.
  2. volcanoOFhistory

    What are the sings of my plants. Curling.

    I personally think that temps from 85-90 are not horrible as long as you are getting a good air exchange in your room. High temps are bad if you are not circulating air with an outside in a sealed grow room using supplemental co2.....If i was you next run try and go with a soil that...
  3. volcanoOFhistory

    What are the sings of my plants. Curling.

    Yah the ph buffers are fine.
  4. volcanoOFhistory

    WTF is that? Warning 400x...Bug?

    Most larva like that can withstand long periods of cold very easily.. I use lots of different larva for icefishing and the best way to keep them alive for long periods is to refrigerate them. Shoot...I've left grubs outside... in below 20 weather for a week and still had 10% of the bugs revive...
  5. volcanoOFhistory

    One 1000w Light Organic Purple Kush Harvested.. How much yield?

    Dont let them get so dry that the stems snap!!!!!! they should be nice n crispy to the touch but the stems should still bend without breaking...then into the jars.. open once a day for about a hour for 3-5 days and ur golden.
  6. volcanoOFhistory

    Where did I go wrong with my electricity?

    Is someone taping your lectric? Even at 20cents a kwh that light should be costing you less than 30 bucks a month. Is it really cold where you are? could be that alot of your costs are related to heating...shoot man... a small lectric heater uses @least 1500watts
  7. volcanoOFhistory

    Prices in your Area. Humbolt Prices are Low

    Thats more expensive than the priceyest blk market stuff east coast. Thats Fkn Crzy
  8. volcanoOFhistory

    Prices in your Area. Humbolt Prices are Low

    The places where it is more expensive suffer from a scarcity situation. You guys in calli grow tons of top notch bud so you cant get as much for it.
  9. volcanoOFhistory

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    I love this thread!
  10. volcanoOFhistory

    What are the sings of my plants. Curling.

    If your using mg it might be the result of slight overfeeding. The mg soil has a continuous release fert in it which is pretty strong for the first couple of weeks but tapers off after a while. If your feeding any supplemental nutes it may be causing/contributing to your problem.
  11. volcanoOFhistory

    vertical growing?

    I think its hobbes uses a system very similar in intent.
  12. volcanoOFhistory

    Where do I get activated carbon??

    Any activated carbon will work. The pet store or walmart carbon is mostly all the same and will work fine but the duration in which it will work will be shorter. You can buy vapor phase rated carbon which is often made from bisthmus coal and it will last much longer in a scrubber but you will...
  13. volcanoOFhistory

    Strangest fuckin think ive ever seen!!!!!

    The seeded bud could have sprouted a few balls which then were swallowed up by the growth of the calyxes thus only seeding that one bud
  14. volcanoOFhistory

    Whats Wrong With These Plants???????Please Help

    I run promix bx with azomite mixed in the bottom third of my pots and only use maxibloom and maxigrow from gh and it works great. I never check my ph and never have any probs.
  15. volcanoOFhistory

    Cannabis smell through glas jars

    Put ur jars in vaccume bags
  16. volcanoOFhistory

    Am I ready to LST?

    U can start to lst but go real slow @ first... Don't wanna snap those babies.
  17. volcanoOFhistory

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    But yours does look like it has more tops than his... He only has the one pheno.... great smoke : )
  18. volcanoOFhistory

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Know someone who is lst-in some ice.. I think the plant grows in too thick when lsting and dosent put out the number of tops that one would hope for...Seems to me that this strain might be better in a sog set up.
  19. volcanoOFhistory


    They are givin one away @ kushcon
  20. volcanoOFhistory

    Midnight kush!

    Niether of mine turne... and we were getting some pretty sustained cooler temps in ny this last fall. A buddy of mine grew one out from the same seedpack and his got a nice little purplish tint to it so there is def @ least one purp pheno. Buddy of mine is growin out a clone from a clipping of...