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  1. BeaverHuntr

    Thoughts on Subcools seeds and "business"

    Well you are right about the clone scene out here sucking, because it does. Cloning in my opinion is all about selection and cleanliness in my opinion. I have been to card holders grow rooms that are "clone only" guys... Dirty ass grow rooms, pets near by, bugs on the floor, etc .. Just...
  2. BeaverHuntr

    Thoughts on Subcools seeds and "business"

    AZ clones are getting better, I hear you on that. However there are a lot of good TGA clones out here. TGA and AZCS flooded AZ with TGA genetics when the law first passed here so lots of folks have some good strains. I have seen them.
  3. BeaverHuntr

    Thoughts on Subcools seeds and "business"

    I know I thought I was the only one who got this pheno but then my grow buddy just harvested his jilly bean and same thing. produced nice big fat buds but no odor not even on cured buds.. But I cant talk shit about TGA because I do love some of their other stuff like Jack the Ripper and Plush...
  4. BeaverHuntr

    Are You Ready For Some FOOTBALL!!!!!!!

    AZ Cardinals season ticket holder here!!! Cant wait until the fun begins! Offense has some issues on the o-line and QB! Defense should be solid again.
  5. BeaverHuntr

    Thoughts on Subcools seeds and "business"

    My take on Subcool and TGA's stuff is thats it's "okay" I cant hate on it because one of my buddy grows a lot of TGA stuff and his cuts clone well and flower really well. The only thing I have to complain about TGA's gear is the pheno hunting on certain strains. Jilly Bean has been a mother...
  6. BeaverHuntr

    Anyone ready for the AzDHS to get shut down by the FEDs?

    Look how retarded you are you say words like " bonk" it's "bunk" you big fucking dummy. once again I will get multiple like for this post.
  7. BeaverHuntr

    Anyone ready for the AzDHS to get shut down by the FEDs?

    No one here or any educated grower would ever want your 100 degree indoor grown lame meds. Not happening. You suck at growing and everyone here knows it, and I'm being 100% serious. No indoor grower in their right mind would tell another grower to grow indoors with temps at 100 degrees. You...
  8. BeaverHuntr

    C02 Question

    Yeah its a waste all you are doing is sucking your co2 out. Co2 is heavier than air it falls to the floor but regardless you are just sucking it out.
  9. BeaverHuntr

    Anyone ready for the AzDHS to get shut down by the FEDs?

    He doesnt need my help you are just fucking annoying and need to go. Seriously every post directed towards making fun of you or calling you out on your horrible information about indoor cultivation is liked by just about every poster in the AZ threads. I know I'll get multiple likes for this post.
  10. BeaverHuntr

    Anyone ready for the AzDHS to get shut down by the FEDs?

    LV you even fail at posting pics in the You are a "mush"
  11. BeaverHuntr

    Anyone ready for the AzDHS to get shut down by the FEDs?

    My mom put hot dogs in my Mac and Cheese shes way more liberal than your mom!
  12. BeaverHuntr

    Anyone ready for the AzDHS to get shut down by the FEDs?

    Even your jokes are bad just like your advice.... Why do you even post in the AZ threads? I dont think there is one person in the AZ threads that actually likes you or even pays attention to any info you give.
  13. BeaverHuntr

    Looks like the Fight will continue...

    The Republican politicians here in AZ suck so bad they should make their motto " I support the will of the people, unless I don't like the will of the people."
  14. BeaverHuntr

    White Mountain/Sun City Lawsuit

    Irieie gets it on so many levels, seriously wish you were a dispensary owner dude.
  15. BeaverHuntr

    Anyone ready for the AzDHS to get shut down by the FEDs?

    Take your partisan views somewhere else. No wants to hear your bullshit.
  16. BeaverHuntr

    Anyone ready for the AzDHS to get shut down by the FEDs?

    Personafied's new motto is " Wake up white people" or " The Mexicans are taking over"
  17. BeaverHuntr

    Anyone ready for the AzDHS to get shut down by the FEDs?

    I actually just read all of personafied's posts on this thread and I came to a conclusion he is a real life butt wipe.. or as he would say " mierda"
  18. BeaverHuntr

    3 Little Babies

    Lucious V would disagree he would tell you stop being a pussy with your plants and let them thrive in pots with 100 degree weather indoors, oh and he's going to be growing for a dispensary in town... Go figure
  19. BeaverHuntr

    Anyone ready for the AzDHS to get shut down by the FEDs?

    Wow your views and points are so partisan...
  20. BeaverHuntr

    Arizona Growers Thread

    Cool man PM me if you ever want to talk clones ( wink ) and if it came from progressive its probably solid only place in LA i would get clones from would be LA Wonderland or Progressive.. Yeah dude PM anytime I can trade too.