they? the WHOLE time? if it were true, would it be important? you don't have to look or listen. as proposed, there is plenty of positive and creative music in the hip hop world. i know, i helped raise her. :peace:
do you guys agree with the notion that if MJ is equivalent to beer, hash would be wine? if so, why do you think most hash makers only use trim as opposed to all of the bud?
naw. i googled middle finger pics and this came up. not sure if it is a real pic taken from a funky angle, or what. but it was a match for my idea (color the finger and add MJ foliage).
simply pulling the branches in to the main stalk. it is strictly for support. no bending over of tops in this grow. this strain grows thin in soil and side branches cannot support the weight of buds, so this method is more for support for me and can be used to train in other applications. :peace: