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  1. desertrat

    Want to upgrade to a 600w but concerned about the extra heat>>Look here

    this is the worst analysis i have seen on riu. the (f) temperature of air is not directly related to the energy in the air. if it were, then zero degree (f) would have zero energy. it does not. that's what the kelvin scale is for.
  2. desertrat

    The Attic Project; wtf am i doing?

    increasing the amount and proximity of light is the easiest way for you to make the most improvement in your plants. you should have those bulbs within a couple of inches of the plants. you'll need more light as the plants grow. look at links to good info in my signature line below
  3. desertrat

    growing 4 plants with 125w blue 6400k bulb, do i need more lights ?

    no. i think the increase in yield achieved by using the right light bulb is greater than the cost of buying the right bulb. using one 6400k for vegging and two 2700k for flowering is the most efficient way to go. sctratch this and read warning under my sig:bigjoint:
  4. desertrat

    Completly Green

    welcome. the best way to start is to read through the FAQ (frequently asked questions) section at the upper right of the home page. then go to relevant forums on the home page (like general marijuana growing or newbie central) and look at the entries at the beginning that are labelled as...
  5. desertrat

    growing 4 plants with 125w blue 6400k bulb, do i need more lights ?

    there is no way around needing more light of the right spectrum. if you grew under a single 125 watt light you probably would get just as much bud from one plant as from four plants. it's just too little light too far away from multiple plants to do much good. think of it this way - every 125...
  6. desertrat

    growing 4 plants with 125w blue 6400k bulb, do i need more lights ?

    you can but you're wasting a lot of the light and electricity of the 6400k bulb, so you're not really doubling the light.
  7. desertrat

    my 1st cfl indoor grow, advice and hints welcome

    leaves are dark green more likely due to excess nitrogen. also, btw, i would transplant into a larger pot.
  8. desertrat

    Nitrogen Toxicity?

    it really doesn't look like you have a problem. nitrogen toxicity is much darker green.
  9. desertrat

    AK48 lowryder CFL grow.

    a. heat will build up in your cabinet and the air will get stale - you will have to ventilate. 1. i would get a second 2700k for flowering and just use both 2700's for flowering. 2.yes 3. 0.5 grams bud per fluorescent watt is a reasonable goal if things go right in your grow (not likely...
  10. desertrat

    the hard decision

    no worries. if you flush and don't fertilize the last two weeks before harvesting your bud will taste fine.
  11. desertrat

    drying and curing help

    i do a preliminary trim and then let my plants hang for 4 - 7 days, until the bud appears dry but the stems do not break. i then finish the trimming and place the buds in glass jars. at this point only the outside of the bud is dry. the internal moisture migrates to the surface during curing...
  12. desertrat

    8 plants, two ready to flower...only one room

    moving the plants will work fine.
  13. desertrat

    growing 4 plants with 125w blue 6400k bulb, do i need more lights ?

    you have enough light for vegging but you are going to need more for flowering. i'd get three more fixtures and four 125 watt 2700k bulbs and use all four for flowering. if you didn't use fem seeds then this will be plenty of light: minimum light for flowering weed: 3,000 lumens per square...
  14. desertrat

    making a grow room

    start reading is the best advice i can give you at this point. the faq and stickies in each forum are great for general information. then you can post specific questions that we can help you with.
  15. desertrat

    Small plant = Small smell, Right?

    is it worth the risk? a cheap jar of ona gel is the best insurance you can buy for a small grow.
  16. desertrat

    1kw HPS grow space

    a typical 1000 watt light gives off 140,000 lumens, so 14 to 20 square feet you keep the light as close to the canopy as you can without causing radiant burning of the plant. if your hand can stand the temperature, then so can your plant. the actual distance can vary greatly depending on...
  17. desertrat

    A little Grow Help

    the voltage of the light does not matter, watts and lumens do matter. to get as much weed as possible you want as much light as you can get up to 10,000 lumens per square foot of growing area. 3,000 lumens per square foot is considered the minimum amount of light. an average mature plant is...
  18. desertrat

    my 1st cfl indoor grow, advice and hints welcome

    looks pretty good but you can tell by the drooping leaves that you are still overwatering your plants. watering twice a day is way too often - weed likes to dry out before watering. one approach is to wait until the soil is dry a couple of inches down and then add water until water flows out of...
  19. desertrat

    fan questions

    it's a good idea to have an oscillating fan on 24/7 for the whole grow. early on it helps strengthen the stems and throughout the grow it helps remove oxygen and bring co2.
  20. desertrat

    How are my Plants doin (Advice Needed) Pics

    your stems are that way because the light the plant has received has not been strong enough. bury the stem in more dirt and if you're growing inside get more light closer to the plant. you also need to add some perlite to your soil to help drainage. read up in the faq and stickies in each...