I like to keep RH at that level, got a humidifier today and got hooked up with some Northern Lights...not from Walmart :)
Trousers, the reason I don't want to keep 12%RH is a higher rh during veg helps keep transpiration in check.
Hello all.
I grow in a 4ft x 4ft x 6ft tent in a heated finished basement. Humidity has never been a problem for me until now. The cold winter and gas heat is keeping my RH at about 12%. Any tent growers in my situation use a humidifier in the tent. I'm in early veg stage.
I threw out my fair...
I transplanted right before I took these pics. I need to get more FF Soil tomorrow and do the same for three BLUEBERRY GUMS and a PINEAPPLE EXPRESS.
Clockwise from back left: PURPLE HAZE, AUTO AK... the one in front is NEBULA.
I will work on the Nitrogen tomorrow when I get my other girls in...